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Discussion on: 5 Things I Wish I Did Differently While Pursing My Computer Science Degree

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Neha Maity

Thank you for your response. It has taken me some time to work through the imposter syndrome I had when I was a student comparing myself to peers who I thought achieved so much more than me. Having self-compassion is a journey and I'm currently still working to get there and I've come a long way since I graduated last year. I now realize that I do bring value to my team at my current job and it's okay that I don't know everything -- no developer does, especially with the number of programing languages and technologies out there.

I also want to acknowledge that the standard for engineering students is high, I can only speak to my experience as a previous computer science student. Not only are we expected to manage a full-time course load as a student, many students have responsibilities outside of school such as a part-time job or taking care of family. And on top of that we're expected by many companies to work on personal projects/code outside of schoolwork. These expectations are a lot and maybe this means there should be some changes in what companies expect from graduating engineering students. Of course, this is a different discussion entirely.

I appreciate your input and thank you for sharing your thoughts and journey.