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What M language is in Power BI?

In Power BI, the M language (also known as Power Query Formula Language) is a powerful data transformation and mashup language. It is used to query, clean, transform, and shape data from various sources before loading it into Power BI for analysis and visualization.

The M language is primarily utilized in the Power Query Editor, a data preparation and transformation tool within Power BI. It allows users to perform a wide range of data manipulation tasks, such as filtering, sorting, merging, aggregating, and creating custom calculations. By obtaining Power BI Training, you can advance your career in Power BI. With this course, you can demonstrate your expertise in Power BI Desktop, Architecture, DAX, Service, Mobile Apps, Reports, many more fundamental concepts, and many more critical concepts among others.

By leveraging the M language, users can efficiently and effectively prepare and transform their data for analysis and visualization in Power BI. It provides a rich set of capabilities for working with data from diverse sources, performing complex transformations, and achieving data mashup scenarios. With its flexibility and power, the M language empowers users to shape their data and derive valuable insights within the Power BI ecosystem.

Key features and aspects of the M language in Power BI include:

1. Data Source Connectivity: The M language supports connectivity to numerous data sources, including databases, files, web services, and cloud-based platforms. It provides a consistent and unified way to extract and combine data from different sources.

2. Data Transformation: With the M language, users can perform complex data transformations and manipulations. It offers a rich set of functions and operators for tasks like splitting columns, combining data from multiple sources, removing duplicates, pivoting, unpivoting, and merging tables.

3. Formula Language: The M language has a formula-like syntax with a focus on step-by-step data transformations. It allows users to define custom functions, create conditional logic, perform mathematical and statistical calculations, and work with text, dates, and other data types.

4. Applied Steps: In Power Query Editor, the M language is used to build a series of applied steps that define the data transformation process. Each step represents a specific action performed on the data, and the steps are executed sequentially to shape the data into the desired format.

5. Query Folding: Power BI's query folding capability utilizes the M language to push certain data transformation operations back to the data source, improving performance and reducing data movement. Query folding is particularly beneficial when working with large datasets.

6. Advanced Data Profiling: The M language enables advanced data profiling capabilities in Power Query Editor. Users can assess data quality, identify data patterns, detect anomalies, and perform data profiling tasks to gain insights into the data before loading it into Power BI.

By leveraging the M language, users can efficiently clean, transform, and prepare their data for analysis in Power BI. It provides a flexible and powerful toolset for data preparation, enabling users to shape and model their data to meet specific analysis and visualization requirements.

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