This tag is for content related to web development. You can use it on tutorials, personal stories about building developing a simple single static page, or something more high-level!
Whether you have a question about a particular programming language or your'd like opinions on a personal career scenario, use this tag to start discussions with the CodeNewbie community!
This tag is for content related to programming in JavaScript. Client-side, server-side, it doesn't matter. This tag should be used for anything JavaScript focused. If the topic is about a JavaScript framework or library, just remember to include the framework's tag as well.
This tag is for content related to the CodeNewbie community (i.e. CodeNewbie twitter chats, site mechanics, and questions for CodeNewbie organizers)
The career tag is for any content related to working as a software developer at any level! Use this tag when giving interview tips, asking a question about your resume, etc!
For posts related to CodeLand: the friendliest conference for early-career coders and their champions. Taking place virtually on September 23-24, 2021.
This tag is for content about the writing process, whether that means blogging, technical writing, or something else!
This tag is monitored by CodeNewbie moderators. Posts tagged with #CompSci101 cover basic computer science concepts that are well-suited to beginners. This collection is intended to serve as a vetted resource for beginners interested in computer science.