CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: [#CNC2022 Cohort 1] Code More Welcome Thread

anavela profile image
Ana Vela

Hi, all. I’m Ana and I’m in the USA. I started coding a few years ago, and I’m interested in leveling up my skills. Working on side projects has helped me, but I haven’t maintained a consistent routine to build or tinker with them. I’d like to dive deeper into JavaScript and CSS to get faster. I’d also like to revisit any previous projects or start something new to work on and create a reasonable schedule I can maintain. My long term goal is to build solid projects for my portfolio. Looking forward to connecting with you in this track!

adrianskar profile image
Adrian Skar

Same here, good luck!

anavela profile image
Ana Vela

Best wishes, Adrian!

johngidoe profile image
Piotr Grzybowski

Hi Ana,
JavaScript is something we have in common :)
Good luck

anavela profile image
Ana Vela

Thanks! Best wishes :)

kc profile image

Hello Ana,
There are elements of your coding journey that are similar to mine. I started to learn coding a few years ago on and off. Working on projects definitely helped my learning but I'm lacking consistency.
I'm okayish with HTML and CSS but need to get much better with more intermediate/advanced CSS and in particular Javascript is something I am still trying to get a grip on!
Anyway all the best with your goal of building solid projects for your portfolio and happy coding.

anavela profile image
Ana Vela

Thanks so much for the encouragement!