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atanda nafiu
atanda nafiu

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HNG 11 Internship Program (Backend Track)

Joining the HNG internship program had always been at the back of my mind. So when the opportunity to join the August cohort presented itself, I jumped on it without a second thought.

Software development is as much about using technology to solve problems as it is about continuous learning. To me, the HNG internship will provide an excellent avenue to learn new skills and technologies, sharpen the skills I already have and collaborate with like minded fellows from disparate backgrounds.

To hold myself accountable and stick to this journey, I have set a few goals that I have to achieve at the end of this 2 month period:

Deeply understand what it takes to be a great backend developer
Be proficient in database design
Understand all the processes involved in application deployment
Understand common design patterns used in backend development.
Gain proficiency in designing great REST APIs
By the end of this internship period, I want to achieve, at the minimum, the following:

Successfully build a non-trivial medium-scale backend application
Gain a thorough understanding of database/SQL queries
Successfully host a running application in the cloud.
Some of the awesome free online resources that have been of help in my development journey include the following:

And more

To learn more about the program, checkout the following links:

HNG Internship
HNG Hire

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