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Discussion on: What was your favorite part of CodeLand 2021?

clearlythuydoan profile image
Thuy Doan

Hi Julia, I'm happy you enjoyed it :) Was there any particular section that resonated with you?

yuridevat profile image
𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕒 👩🏻‍💻

Actually it was a lot of sections because my first job started about 2 weeks later after CodeLand, so I got so much out of it. I didn't think about environment setup until your talk and started looking at my personal setup, the extensions I need and use daily, and wrote everything down to install immediately when I set up my environment with the company laptop.

It also encouraged me to document everything from the beginning, because until then I thought this might be a senior task. When I entered my first project, the onboarding process was quite confusing for me because there was no documentation. So I started writing an onboarding process, which was very well received by the PM and others. When I left the project (3 weeks ago), I also wrote a documentation of everything I had experienced for my front end colleagues to show all possible scenarios related to the project/code and how to solve/avoid/handle them.

These actions left quite an impression.