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Cover image for [On-Demand Talk] Celibrate You're Misteaks
Joe Glombek for CodeLand 2022

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[On-Demand Talk] Celibrate You're Misteaks

About this talk

"Everyone makes mistakes." We've heard it time and again. But there's always that nagging voice inside our heads telling us to hide it away somewhere. But why be ashamed?! Besides, this can lead to more mistakes in the future. We'll take a look at some of my mistakes and even look at some extreme cases where mistakes can cost lives.

As well as looking at how hiding mistakes can be damaging to our confidence as well as to our work, we'll discuss how and when to talk about our mistakes along with success stories and how highlighting past mistakes can help save time, effort, and - most importantly - shame as individuals, teams, and as a community.

Talk Recording



🌈 Comment below and ask me questions — I might just answer them in the comment section!

About me

Hi! I'm Joe Glombek — a senior .NET web developer who's been working with various British digital agencies for the past decade and is an Umbraco MVP. In the 5-to-9, I'm an adventure-loving outdoorsman and can often be seen out hiking or canoeing with my dog, Carter.

This on-demand talk is part of CodeLand 2022 — a virtual conference brought to you by CodeNewbie & DEV on June 16 & 17, 2022.

Top comments (29)

nadreamer profile image

What's helped me be more open to admitting I've made a mistake has been seeing my uni professors and now my colleagues, senior devs, own their mistakes. Growing up I didn't see much of that from my teachers for example. But getting to university it was very common for a professor to go "Oh yes, you're right I made a mistake there. Good catch." And now I'm seeing that attitude from the developers I work with and it's great.

People pointing out mistakes means that everyone is paying attention and we're less likely to put out buggy code that will cause a headache later.

hatricia profile image

For people who might be holding back from asking questions, or admitting to mistakes because they might be feeling like it proves that they really shouldn't be in their job/position, feeding into their Impostor Syndrome... Any thoughts on why Impostor Syndrome is so prevalent in the tech community, among early career or new/still learning developers?

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Imposter syndrome can follow you all the way through your career - it's not just newbies! For example, I'm always shocked (but honored!) to have my talks selected at events! (And to receive comments, thank you!)

Being aware of imposter syndrome is a great start to overcoming it. If you know it exists, you can start to question it.

I'm by no means an expert on imposter syndrome, but if you're interested there are many other resources available - just search!

hatricia profile image

Yes sorry I meant to say especially among early career new etc not just among new devs. Personally I find that, the more I'm learning and building and figuring things out, the easier it is to squash that voice... but it's definitely always there haha.

nakedgrammer profile image
Sea Dub

Great tip for Commit history

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Thanks! Check out the "Why are you being such a git about it?" links above if you're interested in more!

kitamreik profile image
Kit Fenrir Amreik

Thank you for the inspiring information about the decision making model!

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Much more detail in Clifford's talk if you want more!

kitamreik profile image
Kit Fenrir Amreik

Thank you for taking the time to respond to me <3

phaveey profile image

This is so eye-opening. I remember how terrible I felt some weeks back when I couldn't fix certain bugs in my code.
I didn't feel like sharing my mistakes as well because I didn't wan't to be seen as dumb.

Well, now I know better!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Not exactly on topic for the talk - but what font are you using for the headers? 👀

I love how it looks! 🥳

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek
terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Love them both! 🎉🎉

anyanka profile image

Thank you, that was helpful advice :)

hussain_codes profile image
Hussain Codes

Loved the talk! Especially the slide design & style which went well with the topic of the talk. Also really appreciate the amazing pun in the talk title!

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Thank you - I do try my best 😉

yuridevat profile image
𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕒 👩🏻‍💻

I am so not hiding my mistakes but more like: "Uh, I made a mistake? Tell me everything about it. I want to figure out how I can do this better next time" 🤓

srivera12 profile image
Sarah Rivera

This talk posits a great perspective - admitting mistakes up front allows them to be addressed before they even really become problems. Thanks for sharing!

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

good talk. It is helpful to share your mistakes. I've used my mistakes to write documentation for the next person.

oref profile image

I am loving this talk.
At what stage of growth in an space can one celebrate mistake?

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Every stage! It's hard to do for anybody - but the more mistakes you share and discuss, the better we can all become 💪🏻

simarpreetsingh019 profile image
Simarpreet Singh

part of the journey is learning. and failure is just another name of succeeding with some experince, because only when we try , we make mistake, if we dont make
mistake, we are not learning.

aigarspl profile image
Aigars Pluģis

Love title of this topic!
We all are humans and humans makes misteaks (which is understandable).

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great talk

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Thank you!