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Cover image for #CNC2021 "Start Coding" Mission 2 Submission Thread

#CNC2021 "Start Coding" Mission 2 Submission Thread

CodeNewbie Staff on April 22, 2021

After completing all the steps in your Mission 2 email, post in the thread belowย about the language or frameworkย you've decided to learn a...
mucheru profile image

I have decided to learn python and mainly focus on the Django Framework. I have a basic knowledge of some of Python concepts and i believe the applications of the language are world changing, from Machine learning to AI, naming a few.

shariifah profile image

Hello Mucheru, I guess we are in this together. I wish us the best๐Ÿค๐Ÿค๐Ÿค

mucheru profile image

All the best to you too Sherifah.

gillell profile image
Gill Elliott

Hey Mucheru, that is exactly what I have decided too. I know a little Python just from some personal study, and I think it is the most versatile language for the type of projects I can see myself getting involved with. I have never used the Django Framework, so will be trying to learn about that too. Good luck!

mucheru profile image

We are in this Gill. All the best

carrot052615 profile image

Hello! Even though I'm kind of late, but I'm hoping I could join.

I have chosen python as my first language to start to. I have known some basic knowledge about python and I'm still halfway on finishing it.

pluckyprecious profile image
Kelechi Precious Nwachukwu

Nice one Mucheru, I have a basic knowledge of Python too & Django frame work is the best bet.๐Ÿค

preshh0 profile image
Your .py Princess!

Not too late to join the team I hope, lol.

I choose Python. I have a basic knowledge of the language and is gradually moving on to the frameworks.

I love how versatile and cross platform it is.

All the best guys!

If it's not too much, can we all drop oye Twitter handles in order to aid the keeping in touch process? Mine's @preshh0

Thread Thread
preshh0 profile image
Your .py Princess!

I also followed you guys on CNC.

Good luck!

noviicee profile image

Even I am interested in this framework :)

defsm profile image

I have also decided to learn Python. I am almost halfway through the Codecademy course. From what I have read so far, Django seems like a great framework to start with once I finish the basics.

mcclintsayshi profile image

I have decided to learn Javascript and React ( After learning JS ). I have a basic knowledge of Javascript and I have read a bit about React.

I think is good to learn since is more popular and can be easier to get help when I get stuck.

bandeirademelo profile image

I'm picked JS as well, I know the fundamentals of HTML and CSS that I learn from FreeCodeCamp course. I've made a few projets using this knowledge and now I'm half way through the Fundamentals of Javascript and ES6.

dng3220m4 profile image

Same Clinton, I based my choice on job availability tbh lol

chukwukagideon profile image

Same here

jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Same! I'm Jo Luna. Hope to see you in the community.

bandeirademelo profile image

Hey JS team here too, hope to see you around. And share some knowledge.

sbstn profile image

Hey Guys,

this is also my current status in my learning Journey!
I am also working on Free Code Camp and i do a eDX Course by IBM.
I think web development and JS are a good starting point lo dive into coding...


usamalion profile image

same here

oyindoubra profile image

same here !

sabineemden profile image
Sabine Emden (she/her)

My interest is in frontend web development. I already have good knowledge of HTML, basic knowledge of CSS, and have used Bootstrap before. First, I want to learn more CSS, including Flexbox, CSS Grid, and Sass. I may also take another, deeper look at Bootstrap. With a good foundation in HTML and CSS, I then want to move on to learning JavaScript as my primary programming language and eventually learn React as a frontend framework.

If you want to #startcoding with HTML and CSS, too, either as a total beginner or more advanced, let's connect!

bgali15 profile image
Binta Gali

My name is Binta, I am a newbie currently learning HTML and CSS and also looking to move on to Javascript as my primary programming language. I am very much interested in connecting and learning from and with you on this journey.

sbstn profile image
sbstn98 • Edited

Welcome Binta!
i am also working on JS as my next step :)

bryanmatthews23 profile image
Bryan Matthews

I'm learning CSS

noviicee profile image

Let us all connect ๐Ÿ’š

dng3220m4 profile image

Sabine, I'd like to do much of the same as you! I'm focusing on JS and React after having finished the freecodecamp HTML/CSS courses and having used Bootstrap in the past.

bryanmatthews23 profile image
Bryan Matthews

I'm learning CSS

usamalion profile image

I'd like to do much of the same as you

gingercatjayne profile image

Hi Sabrine,

I also have a fundamental knowledge of HTML and CSS. I have decided to focus on Bootstrap. So let's connect. Jayne

bryanmatthews23 profile image
Bryan Matthews

I'm learning CSS

ycode3 profile image

Hi Sabine! I'm Yoshi. I'm also interested in front-end development. I'm currently studying through JavaScript on Codecademy. Nice to meet you!

jerineaso profile image
Jerin Easo Regi

I'm giving priority to JavaScript because I found it to be main language of other frameworks later on moving to React. And I've already tried HTML and CSS, hoping to move my step towards JS. Let's think and make something cool with these technologies.

chukwukagideon profile image

Hi, I'm Gideon
I'm also interested in js and I hope we do build cool stuff

sbstn profile image

Hey Jerin,
I am on the same level too, excited to learn javascript as an next step :)
I wish the best for your journey !

bryanmatthews23 profile image
Bryan Matthews

I'm learning CSS

bekobekrija profile image
Berkan A.

I have decided to learn Javascript, and focus on Front-End programming. Web development to be more specific. For instance, I would like to learn how to create beautiful websites using Javascript and React as it's framework.

jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Me too! I'm Jo Luna. Hope to see you in the community.

sobrinap profile image

Hi! I'm also interested in learning JavaScript and Front-End programming. Looking forward to learning with you

chukwukagideon profile image

I'm Gideon and am also interested in JavaScript

iam_eddie_ profile image

I have decided to learn #Java because last year(2020) around August I decided to pick coding as hobby , I found a book called introduction to java and taught myself some basics stuff and i am still half way through. Now I feel like pursing it as a career or maybe just having some practical skills . My area of interests are mobile app developing , front end web development and software engineering. I am still not sure which framework to go with but I am open for suggestions and guidance from the community . Thank you

ronvillela profile image
Ron • Edited

Hey Dis_Connected how's it going since your post. I'm sure you've made additional progress. I fell in love with Java a few years back but never really pursued it. In between jobs this year and decided to pick it up again, and now I'm obsessed. I've been readmitted to college and pursing a second BA in IT. I am currently working on eds2go, codegym, jetbrain academy, and several books. I am trying to stay positive and motivated even though some days are more difficult than others. I have a lot of doubts but right now my motivation keeps me going. I love it when I am able to actually solve a problem without having to "google" it or go back to the lesson.. That's what actually keeps me going. Godspeed....

iam_eddie_ profile image

Hey Ron , I have a made a little progress. Finding balance between work , family and coding hasn't been easy. Some days i feel like giving up because there is a lot of staff I still have to learn. I enjoy solving problems from the book that I am using , but sometimes I can't find the strength to attempt a problem . This has been a tough journey for me, I love coding and I have a passion for it ..........

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iam_eddie_ profile image

Thanks for checking up on me

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ronvillela profile image

Believe me I get it with four kids itโ€™s tough finding the time. Check out the article link below. My brother sent it to me todayโ€ฆ something to think about. Well if you have any questions let me know I can try to help as much as I can. Good luck!

opheliagame profile image
Anushka Trivedi

I want to start learning concepts in javascript and react and also study resources on how to make a programming language!

jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Hi there! I'm Jo Luna. I'm going for JavaScript and React. Hope to connect with you in the community.

opheliagame profile image
Anushka Trivedi

hey luna, looking forward to connecting too! sharing a good resource i found below

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jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Thanks so much Anushka!

chukwukagideon profile image

Hi I'm Gideon and am also interested in JavaScript.

Thread Thread
jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Great! If you are ever interested in a coding buddy, I'm here โœŒ๏ธ

termready profile image
Kimberly Marie

Hi! I've also chosen Javascript but haven't yet decided on a framework yet. I'm currently working on The Odin Project!

aleemcode profile image
Aleem Akinyoola

I've decided to learn Javascript and React framework. I choose this based on my familiarity with language and the popularity of the framework. I hope to have smooth learning experience ahead.

mcclintsayshi profile image

Hi Aleem,

Looks like we'll be learning similar technologies, hope we can show each other a thing or two on this learning journey.

aivanvarma profile image
Eero Saarinen

I decided on C# and Unity for game development. If I have time, I will make my life even busier with JavaScript, and if I really squeeze myself I might add React to the list. Regardless my top priority will be C# and Unity.

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

C# and Unity is a path I would like to explore one day maybe ๐Ÿ˜Š

sobrinap profile image

C# and Unity are on my radar also. Focusing on JavaScript for this challenge.

gabrielruiz21 profile image
Gabriel Esteban Ruiz Meneses

Hello, I have decided to learn Python and continue learning about React. The reason i am choosing this two is because they are like a break for me after going through C++ and JAVA in college. Also they are very flexible when it comes to fields of application.

diegopaula profile image
Diego Paula

I will continue to learn JavaScript with Vue as my choice of framework. I believe that Vue's simplicity is perfect for my way of learning and creating.

jrlunap profile image
๐”๐”ฆ๐” . ๐”๐”ฒ๐”ซ๐”ž

Hola! Yo elegรญ JavaScript pero con React... hablas espaรฑol?

diegopaula profile image
Diego Paula

Entiendo pero no hablo. Ya hice un curso hace unos aรฑos pero como no lo usรฉ terminรฉ olvidรกndome de muchas cosas );

koshirok096 profile image

Hi Diego, I have decided to learn JS and vuejs. Iโ€™m planning to start learning vuejs after I learn fundamental of Javascript.

Hope to see you soon in the community :)

shak23 profile image

I am learning Python. In the IT Support Field, everything is getting automated. It's important to learn this skill. Seems like Python is good for automation. Looking forward to learning with you all. I would like to suggest checking out from Cisco. They have a free course called Partner: PCAP - Programming Essentials in Python.

edwardpraveen89 profile image
Edward Praveen

I have decided to learn Python as I know the basics already. Then I would go deep into Machine learning concepts.

gabrielruiz21 profile image
Gabriel Esteban Ruiz Meneses

Hi Edward. Machine Learning is very popular right now. Great choice. I am just starting to learn python. If you have some resources I can use I will appreciate if you can share them with me.

Lets connect

edwardpraveen89 profile image
Edward Praveen
Thread Thread
gabrielruiz21 profile image
Gabriel Esteban Ruiz Meneses

Thank you so much. i will check them all out.

shak23 profile image

Hi, @edwardpraveen89 I am also learning Python. Automation and Machine Learning are the future.

dng3220m4 profile image

I'm late! I'm moving forward with the JavaScript language and React framework based on the available jobs in my area. I've already started to learn JavaScript and React in the past so hopefully I'll get caught up on the concepts quicker.

roncmb108 profile image

Hi Jeff!
JavaScript is next for me as well, once I get a better handle on HTML & CSS. ๐Ÿคž
I enjoyed your Pillars article btw. It was good to see a different perspective of the stuff we're learning.

jrlunap profile image

Hi everyone! I've decided to start learning JavaScript with the React framework. I'd love to be able to build web apps in the future. Let's see who else chose the same so we can encourage each other...

friiia profile image

Which platform/field would you like to work in?
I want to work in [web/mobile/enterprise/game] development _________________________________________.

I want to work in web or enterprise developement
What do you want to build first?
I want to build a [website or web app], [mobile app]

12 months?
I will finnish whatever school work i get, but also I want to build my own app for my crafting hobby

My priority with learning to code is...
Having fun? Building websites quickly? Having a widely used/practical skill? Writing efficient code?

My priority is to learn practical skill, and as clean code as possible

Do you know CSS and/or HTML?
If not, thatโ€™s totally fine! If you donโ€™t know CSS or HTML, these are good starting points.

I do know them both

Do you like to be more self-sufficient when learning things or completing projects? Or do you like to work in groups?
Jot down your thoughts on your learning style here. Certain frameworks/languages have active communities with lots of resources while others require a bit more independence.

Both, sometimes it has been hard to trying to do remotely courses in a school i never been physically in, and without seeing other coursemates and teacher.

sbstn profile image

Hey, soory for my late reply :|
Today i finished the CSS Basic Chapter at Freecodecamp :)
And at my eDX Course i start now with the Chapter of Javascript.
How is the VS50x Course ? I also thought about to do this Course :)

anushkacodergirl profile image
Anushka Raj

I decided to learn
Languages- JavaScript and Python
Frameworks- React, Django.
I picked these because there is a huge demand for these skills in the tech world. I need a job soon so I want to learn this.

chukwukagideon profile image

If you are also into JavaScript, feel free to connect with me and lets help each other learn faster.

tdavis0831 profile image

I am hoping to learn Python and I also want to become familiar with JS so that I can use node efficiently. I understand CSS/HTML but don't have things committed to memory outside of the major syntax usages (

, .... title etc).
koshirok096 profile image

I want to learn basic frontend skillset so Iโ€™ve decided to learn Javascript, and later move on to Vue.js (or possibly React). Iโ€™m planning to make portfolio website by using Javascript and frameworks as soon as possible.

By the way, according to the recommendation from the link in Mission 1(, I tried using Codewars for practice JS. I donโ€™t do Java, but it has JS course too.

Hope you all have a great day :)

adridwk profile image
Adri Kostecki

I am learning JavaScript as my main langauge and then to follow up with React.js and Node.js. I already have a basic understanding of JavaScript, CSS (with SCSS), and HTML, and my main goal is to get proficient in building webpages with these before moving on to frameworks and the backend.

sjunaidhashmi profile image
Junaid Hashmi

I am currently on my web development learning journey and learning html and css. So, Javascript seems to be to right choice for me as it helps in building interactive web pages.
For the framwork, I am planning to learn React, the most famous javascript framework for website development as soon as I am done with basics of JS.
If you are on the same learning path as me then let's connect on Twitter. Hope you all reach your goals ๐Ÿค—.

davies profile image
Davis OKioma

I want to work in web development and I'm choosing to start with JavaScript for the front-end and later python for the back-end.
I want to build a web app consuming a free rest api so I don't get to worry about backend development initially.
I have a solid understanding of HTML, CSS, basic JavaScript and I have written some scripts in python before.

ycode3 profile image

Hi there! I'm Yoshi. I decided to focus on front-end web development, mainly JavaScript. I chose JavaScript because it is used for both web and app development, which are my main interests. On top of that it is used in Angular and React development. I like to have as many options as possible. Nice to meet you all!

pronomitadey profile image
Pronomita Dey

Python and React would be my picks for this challenge. I find a good community base around these two products and since it is relatively easier to learn, it will give me a good head start to my Learning to Code journey.
Also, I have some familiarity with both my selections.

noviicee profile image

I have decided to pick JavaScript and Bootstrap as my companions in this Start to Code Journey. Reason of choosing these is that I want to learn to design better and more functional web-pages and I believe these will help me a lot in order to learn more about web-development :) ๐Ÿ’š

sbstn profile image

Hey Guys,

My goals are to learn JavaScript first, but Ruby sounds interesting too. It would be nice to learn Bootstrap but i already now so my next steps are to look into Angular then maybe React and VUE.js

ronvillela profile image

I picked Java. I guess I picked it since it was my first experience with a language in college and loved it. I guess the feeling of creating something and having it actually work was a great feeling. Also, I am very persistent. I can work on something for hours and even days until I come to a solution.

thaodg profile image
Thao Duong

I want to study Django because I am somewhat familiar with Python and I want to learn how to do text mining, and Django is good for backend development.

wulingoh profile image

Hi there, I have decided to learn Ruby because it is an easy language for beginners and it works both front and back end of development. I will be focusing on Ruby on Rails framework. Is anyone else also learn ruby?

chukwukagideon profile image

Here's a copy of my worksheet

Start Coding worksheet
โ€œWhat Will I Learn?โ€

Weโ€™ll use this worksheet to inform and design your personal, learn-to-code curriculum.

Which platform/field would you like to work in?
I want to work in web development

What do you want to build first?
I want to build a [website or web app], [mobile app]

12 months?
a website

My priority with learning to code is...
Having fun? Building websites quickly? Having a widely used/practical skill? Writing efficient code?
How to make money as a web developer and to be able to build websites quickly

Do you know CSS and/or HTML?

Do you like to be more self-sufficient when learning things or completing projects? Or do you like to work in groups?
I enjoy working with groups

shariifah profile image

Python is actually my primary language. It was the first programming language I learned as a beginner. So I have decided to focus mainly on Django framework for my web development, backend to be more specific.

chukwukagideon profile image

I have decided to learn JavaScript as I already know the basics and focus more on web development. Will also learn node.js also to help out with the backend(server side).

roncmb108 profile image

I have been learning coding basics (HTML & CSS) via (and others). I plan on focusing on JavaScript (since it's next in the FCC curriculum). And since I'm thinking of focusing on back-end or enterprise development, I'm also looking at Node.js once I have a decent grasp of JavaScript.
Let me know if you're in a similar place in your #startcoding journey as well.

bandeirademelo profile image

I have decided to learn more about Javascript and leand React. I know the fundamentals of HTML and CSS that I learn from FreeCodeCamp course. I've made a few projets using this knowledge and now I'm half way through the Fundamentals of Javascript and ES6.

wulingoh profile image

Hi there,
I have decided to learn ruby and would like to focus on ruby on rails. The reason is ruby is friendly language and easy to learn for beginners plus it can do both front and back end development. Is anyone else learning ruby?

gecikadm profile image

I ll keep going to learn Js, i would like to be good enough and being more confident to move on back to React that I ve already practice
For a while I haven't practice so I need to back to it. ๐Ÿ’ช

firangizg profile image

Hey everyone! I have decided to learn Python. I have the basic knowledge of it, however, not enough to build a good project so I want to learn more advanced topics to build quality projects.

sbstn profile image

Hey Jeff,
i am also into Javascript for my next steps in learning coding :)
Let's connect if you want to have an exchange :)

johnsonmaghanga profile image

I have decided to take JavaScript and bootstrap for doing front end web development

sobrinap profile image

I plan to concentrating on learning java script, c# and unity. These are the languages I will need to create the app I'd like to make. I'd also like to learn more about the React framework since it looks like works with mobile apps. Looking forward to working / learning with all of you.

hazemsoliman96 profile image

I've decided to learn dart and flutter. I Tried flutter and java before in android development and I found flutter easier and better for me to start with first.

mthandaworld profile image

My Interest is in Java, since I am more inclined to Android app development. I'm sure this will be fun ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

bgali15 profile image
Binta Gali

I decided to learn Javascript and Bootstrap but currently learning HTML and CSS. Anyone else learning the basics and want to connect?

roncmb108 profile image

Hi Binta,
I'm all working on HTML & CSS and will be focusing on JavaScript next. ๐Ÿ‘

chikichew profile image
Nicki (she/her)

I have decided to learn Python, because I like how versatile the language is and am especially interested in the data science aspect.

dhrey112 profile image
Adeleke Dare • Edited

Python is the first to learn and Machine learning is what I wanna use it for. I won't do away with the web development part.

Thank you for this course Crash Course Computer Science Preview

skihuni profile image
Stephen kihuni

I have decided to learn javascript in-depth then after I grasp the language I can go for react.

10101010xd profile image

I have decide to learn python and java. My objetives are game development and app development. Also ,Python can help me a lot with engineering jobs.

usamalion profile image

I'm giving priority to JavaScript because I found it to be main language of other frameworks later on moving to React. And I've already tried HTML and CSS, hoping to move my step towards JS.

termready profile image
Kimberly Marie

Hi! I've also chosen Javascript but haven't yet decided on a framework yet. I'm currently working on The Odin Project.

pragnesh profile image
Pragneshkumar Ishvarlal Patel

I have decide to learn JavaScript and focusing on front-end. I have basic knowledge of HTML, CSS & JavaScipt.

lantha profile image
Nabin Baidya

I have chosen to learn Javascript for web app development. I would focus on website development first and then move on to other frameworks. Hopefully we can help each other in this learning process.

paulwebdev profile image
Paul D

Sticking with Javascript and React. Been grappling with Javascript for quite a while and most of the jobs in my area are in Javascript/React.

termready profile image
Kimberly Marie

I have decided to learn more about Javascript. The reasoning behind my choice is mostly influenced by it being a skill with the most job opportunities, from what I've read anyways.

induja profile image

I've decided to go with C++ as I wish to try out game dev. I'm familiar with Python so I guess C++ must be a new way to grow my skill set!

oladipupozainab profile image
oladipupozainab • Edited

I have decideed to learn javascript, python, react js, and bootstrap. I picked this language as it would be helpful in learning website development.

johnsonmaghanga profile image

currently learning CSS then move to JavaScript