Hey @jinakim25183060
welcome to the CodeNewbie Community! Have you seen the CodeNewbie Challenge we launched last week? It's an ideal opportunity to meet others who are facing the same challenges as you in their coding journeys, and maybe even practice together!
Hey @jinakim25183060 welcome to the CodeNewbie Community! Have you seen the CodeNewbie Challenge we launched last week? It's an ideal opportunity to meet others who are facing the same challenges as you in their coding journeys, and maybe even practice together!
Yea I as well registered last week but have not received any email or messages concerning it because I want be a part of the community
Hey @nonyesixtus - Which challenge track did you register for? Have you already checked your spam folder?
I registered for the code more and write more challenge I have not gotten any mail since then
I have also checked my spam nothing from codenewbie