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Describe the application lifecycle when developing a full-stack application.

  1. Plan: Outline the basic features and functions of the application, and decide upon the technology stack and architecture that will be used.

  2. Design: Sketch out wireframes and user flows as well as the database schema and APIs needed for the app.

  3. Develop: Build the backend, frontend, and database of the application, and link them together via the APIs.

  4. Test: Debug and test the application to make sure it works as expected at each step in the development process.

  5. Deploy: Set up the necessary server and hosting infrastructure and deploy the application.

  6. Monitor: Monitor the application performance and availability as it is used by customers.

  7. Maintain: Respond to issues that arise, release updates and add new features to ensure the app continues to meet user demands.

Full-stack classes in Pune
Full stack course in Pune

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