CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: Is memorization the key?

jasonrezzed profile image
Jason Shockley

Thank you, honestly I have no idea where or how to start that’s best for me. I’ve been getting super pumped about coding while listening to the podcast at work, but when I get home I get swamped by children. I’m also ordering a raspberry pie so I don’t have to borrow a computer.

kyemasa profile image

In terms of what feels best for you, think about how you learn best and what engages you well and what you have the capacity to do given whatever life situations you currently have. There are tons of free resources out there and a lot of people that will recommend doing x or z, but that might not fit into how you process information or work for your circumstances. Define some clear goals and take a little bit of time to explore.

I think CodeCademy is a decent place to get an introduction because it teaches you syntax in a very friendly way. The lessons are shorter and easier to consume, so it might be helpful if you have kids. You can access the Python 3 course with a free trial. Have fun and you got this :)

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jasonrezzed profile image
Jason Shockley

Thank you. Since, I do t have a computer,yet (can’t do LOTHW yet), I started practicing on freecodecamp. This has been the only thing in 20 years that makes me feel confident and excited. You’re right about setting goals. I have yet to do this.