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Help me create an analog clock that works

Hello everyone, I'm a first-year Visual Communication student. For a university project, I created an analog clock using JavaScript. I aimed for a non-conventional aesthetic by using spirals instead of traditional clock hands, while ensuring the current time remains easily readable.
I drew inspiration from this photo to create my clock; I'll leave the reference below.
I'd like to ask this community for help in improving the clock's readability and enhancing how the current time is displayed.
Below is the JavaScript code in case anyone would like to assist me with this issue.

Analog clock photo

`function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function windowResized() {
resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);

function draw() {
translate(width / 2, height / 2);

// Disegna il supporto centrale
ellipse(0, 0, 40);

// Disegna la barra con i numeri

// Calcola gli angoli basati sull'ora corrente con un offset per far oscillare la spirale
let hourOffset = PI / 30;  // Offset per le ore
let minuteOffset = PI / 30;  // Offset per i minuti
let secondOffset = PI / 30;  // Offset per i secondi

let hourAngle = -PI / 6 * (hour() % 12) - PI / 360 * minute() - PI / 21600 * second() + hourOffset;
let minuteAngle = -PI / 30 * minute() - PI / 1800 * second() + minuteOffset;
let secondAngle = -PI / 30 * second() + secondOffset;

// Disegna le spirali
drawSpiral(hourAngle, 30);  // Spirale per le ore

drawSpiral(minuteAngle, 31);  // Spirale per i minuti

stroke(255, 0, 0); // Imposta il colore della spirale dei secondi a rosso
drawSpiral(secondAngle, 31);  // Spirale per i secondi
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


function drawNumberBar() {
// Sposta la barra nera piΓΉ in alto
rect(0, -20, 300, 40); // Inizia la barra nera al centro e spostala verso l'alto

// Numeri delle ore
textAlign(CENTER, CENTER);
for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
    text(i, 25 * (i - 1) + 15, 10);  // Centrare i numeri delle ore e spostarli verso l'alto

// Numeri dei minuti (moltiplicati per 5)
for (let i = 1; i <= 12; i++) {
    text(i * 5, 25 * (i - 1) + 15, -7);  // Centrare i numeri dei minuti e spostarli verso l'alto
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode


function drawSpiral(angle, size) {
for (let t = 0; t < 100; t++) { // Modificato per far iniziare la spirale dal centro
let theta = 0.1 * t;
let x = (0.1 + size * theta) * cos(theta + angle); // Modificato l'angolo
let y = (0.1 + size * theta) * sin(theta + angle); // Modificato l'angolo
vertex(x, y);

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