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How to become an DevOps Engineer

In any typical business in any typical organization, the development team develops products, and the operations team is responsible for maintaining and managing the products. But it is the DevOps idea involves collaboration between development and operations teams, that allows continuous delivery of software and services to users.

That means that once you know that development team is prepared with the software, it moves into the management and maintenance phases right away and then is released to users with the least amount of delay.

As per InformationWeek, DevOps will be in high demand in the near future with no chance slowing down. The DevOps market is expected to be valued at USD 14.9 billion in 2026. an indication that the demand for DevOps will continue to be high.

However, before we consider the steps to becoming an DevOps engineer, we must to answer the question: "What is a DevOps engineer?"

What is an DevOps Engineer?

The DevOps engineer will be an IT professional with an knowledge about the entire software development process. They must be aware of the reasons the company needed to change between one and another and the flaws of the old model, and the advantages that the model has to offer and so on.

The DevOps engineer should also be aware of how to utilize different automation tools to create continuous integration as well as continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This position of need needs a particular combination of DevOps abilities that we will investigate more deeply further down the line.

There are many stages to the process of CI/CD. The first is planning which involves the creation of the algorithm to your solution. The next step is the building phase in which the algorithm is turned into a product that is able to be utilized.

It is tested during the testing stage , where every bug is identified and rectified. The product then moves to the deployment phase, which is when it's presented to customers. When the product is installed it has to be continuously monitored This is a novel concept that has recently been introduced into the DevOps lifecycle.

DevOps engineers concentrate more on the monitoring stage as compared to previous stages. It's crucial to monitor the software continuously in order to spot new bugs, correct them, and then push the correct versions back into the user. This helps ensure customers are satisfied when the product is released into the world. DevOps engineers work with development and operations teams to provide top-quality products in as little an amount of time as is feasible.

A DevOps engineer may also go in other directions like:

  • DevOps architect
  • Automation engineer
  • Tester of software
  • Specialist in integration
  • Security engineer
  • Release manager

How can I become an DevOps Engineer?

Let's go deep into a more thorough description and gain a better knowledge of what it takes to become an DevOps engineer. Before that, let's know what we know about what it takes to become an DevOps engineer.

DevOps Engineering Roles, Responsibilities and Responsibilities
A DevOps engineer works alongside and the development and operational teams in order to design and deploy software systems. This means they must work closely with developers of software and quality assurance experts as well as other IT professionals. If you are planning to switch your career in DevOps then checkout DevOps Tutorial video.

DevOps engineers are responsible for: DevOps engineer's principal duties and responsibilities are:

  • Write documentation to support server-side functions.
  • Install, develop and test, configure, as well as maintain IT solutions.
  • Inform the team of the requirements for operations as well as development forecasts to everyone in the team.
  • Create plans and procedures to enhance and extend the technologies currently in use.
  • Automatically deploy updates into the production environment with the software for configuration management.
  • Conduct routine maintenance of the application and troubleshooting measures to ensure that the production process is operating smoothly.
  • Perform gap analysis to determine potential performance improvements, determine alternatives, and help in making changes.

DevOps Career Path

Language and Linux Fundamentals Language along with Linux Fundamentals
DevOps employs programs to create and automate software. To become an DevOps engineer there are many programming languages that you must master in addition to particular DevOps instruments.

The three most common languages used with the DevOps tools are Ruby, Python, and JavaScript. It's recommended to study at the very least one of these languages in order to use tools like the DevOps tools.

It's also vital for the DevOps Engineer to understand the fundamentals of Linux Command Line Interface (CLI). The necessary Linux abilities that an DevOps engineer must have are:

  • Linux shell - - bash or ksh
  • Linux commands - find, grep, awk, sed
  • Networking commands: nslookup and netstat

Source Code Management

The next step for the DevOps engineer to master the art of managing source code. This is crucial for keeping your projects in order regardless of the amount of code sets that you have. Make sure you are using at least one of these common tools for managing source code:

  • Git
  • CVS
  • Mercurial You may begin with any of these tools for managing code. We suggest you start with Git. Git is utilized to monitor changes to the source code and to handle large projects with ease. It also allows developers to work effortlessly.

Application Building

An DevOps engineer should understand how to create an application, and then commit it to the software for managing source code. The most well-known methods of creating an application is to use Maven, an automated tool that allows you to develop and run software development projects in the shortest time. Maven is a fast process of building allows parallel builds and allows quick access to new features without any additional configurations.

Automation through the CI/CD Tool

You require an application object model (POM) file in order to create an application. The POM file is comprised of the jars that are used and commands to be executed as well as the build plugins and the profile of the build.

DevOps engineers must use continuous integration (CI) or development (CI/CD) software. There are a variety of tools for CI/CD, like Jenkins, TeamCity, Drone and many more.

Jenkins is among the most frequently utilized automation tools in the market. It's an open source continuous integration tool that helps to automate the continuous development of testing, development, and deployment of new software. You must be familiar with Jenkins for the following reasons:

  • It includes numerous plugins
  • It's easy to distribute across many machines.
  • It's simple to install and set up.

Testing of Applications

After you've completed the construction process, you'll have to understand how to automate the web tests for your application. Selenium can be considered to be one of the most effective tools for testing QA teams. It provides speedy execution, scripting support in multiple languages, and that allows parallel execution of tests.

Application Deployment

After the application has been verified, it has to be installed and run on the server that runs production. In order to deploy the application, you need to know the pertinent containers and the tools for managing configurations.


Docker is an efficient tool that assists in delivering software within containers. It is highly scalable and effectiveness, can provide large amounts of data that can be used, and can be used for isolated applications.


Ansible is an agent-free tool for managing configurations. In contrast to other tools available in this field it is capable of transferring configurations across multiple servers and keeping the configurations in the correct state. It utilizes SSH to ensure secure connections.

Monitor Applications

Monitoring applications is a crucial component of the job of a DevOps engineer. At this point all issues that are present are identified and the necessary changes are quickly implemented.

Nagios is a well-known application monitoring tool which aids in monitoring comprehensively It is highly available and allows immediate correction.

Cloud Providers

An DevOps engineer must be aware about cloud services as well as their core applications. Cloud computing is a crucial ability to master regardless of the industry that you work in.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the most sought-after cloud provider in the market today. Many businesses keep their infrastructure on the cloud since it offers greater performance, flexibility, as well as better security. It's generally more cost-effective over other providers of cloud services.

Cloud providers from other providers including Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform have been slowly getting better the speed department.

As you learn get an DevOps engineer, you must be aware of salary potential for the field. In the end, if you intend to pursue an DevOps job for the long-term You should ensure that it's a financially viable option isn't it? Take a look at what's the DevOps engineers salary in the next section.

DevOps Engineer Salary
The DevOps engineer salary can vary depending on the experiences and the certifications you've earned. Here's an estimation taken from Glassdoor about the salary changes for the DevOps engineer across both the United States and India:

It is estimated that the average salary of an DevOps engineer working in the United States is $105,107 per year (as as of the middle of December 2021).
It is estimated that the average salary of an DevOps engineer working in India can be as high as INR 700,000. annually.

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