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Discussion on: Iā€™m Kristen Palana, Teacher, Author, and Artist. Ask Me Anything!

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Kristen Palana

Dear MCCurcio,

Thanks for your feedback and great insights. I agree that getting all the perspectives on an issue is crucial before any decisions can be made, by the manager or anyone else. And great thought on mediation for communication between teams if regular communication is not working or if promises are not translating into actions. For those of us who ended up picking up all the slack in group projects as students (and now find ourselves in similar positions at work), some other intervention may be crucial!


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Matt C

I have found mediation can be as simple as a boss or an interested co-worker 'chairing' a sit-down. 'Kiss' may apply here too. My version is 'Keep it simple AND short.' Don't let people get frustrated.