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As a code newbie, this might be the best book you'll ever read.

JavaScript and JQuery by John Ducket is an old book (like 2014 old) but wow, what a breath of fresh air. Even if you aren't ready for JavaScript yet, the way the author visualises programming concepts like classes, properties, methods and events is the best I have come across so far in my quest for coding books that work with the right side of my brain.

Take a look at some of these lovely snippets.

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best coding books

I haven't read the HTML & CSS version from the author but if the Javascript version is anything to go by, it will be just as good!

The Amazon reviews for John's books are insane

Oldest comments (3)

johnbanas profile image

I thoroughly enjoyed both of those books. The graphics and examples were well formatted and gave me the extra bit of help I needed. He also has a book out recently on PHP & MySQL, so I will be getting that as well. Great resource, great post. Cheers.

sheriffderek profile image

I think they are lovely books, but I also think that many of the teaching techniques are a little backward. Either way: I love to look at them.

I prefer these books:

sofishar profile image

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