JavaScript and JQuery by John Ducket is an old book (like 2014 old) but wow, what a breath of fresh air. Even if you aren't ready for JavaScript yet, the way the author visualises programming concepts like classes, properties, methods and events is the best I have come across so far in my quest for coding books that work with the right side of my brain.
Take a look at some of these lovely snippets.
I haven't read the HTML & CSS version from the author but if the Javascript version is anything to go by, it will be just as good!
Oldest comments (3)
I thoroughly enjoyed both of those books. The graphics and examples were well formatted and gave me the extra bit of help I needed. He also has a book out recently on PHP & MySQL, so I will be getting that as well. Great resource, great post. Cheers.
I think they are lovely books, but I also think that many of the teaching techniques are a little backward. Either way: I love to look at them.
I prefer these books:
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