CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: From Front Desk to Front End p.9 My Motivation

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McKenna Bramble

TAURI. I had not idea that you could transfer the code sandbox lessons to a github repository. Then I saw your reading list debug and I connected my github to my code sandbox account. OMG. Life changing. THANK YOU.

Also, thank you so much for speaking candidly about managing pain, stress, and anxiety while working a job AND learning tech skills. I agree that sometimes the thing to do is to show up tired, but at other times, it is important to accept that sometimes rest is needed more than productivity. For me, figuring out how to stay healthy and still productive is an ever-morphing balancing act.

I also love hearing about you and your partner ❣️

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Tauri StClaire

It's tricky to navigate between codesandbox and Github tho! I haven't figured out yet how I can add new branches to deploy a GH page from a CodeSandBox repo!

Thank you SO much for your encouragement, @mckennabramble ! I've been kinda dragging the past few weeks but starting to pick up steam again, and it helps so much to have your support. ☺️