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Cover image for What Javascript features are the most confusing to you?
Mike Ekkel
Mike Ekkel

Posted on

What Javascript features are the most confusing to you?

Disclaimer: I also posted this on DEV for higher visibility!

In an effort to help out aspiring developers, I’m interested in hearing about what you think the most confusing parts of Javascript are.

I’ll try my best to explain a concept and, hopefully, others will chime in 😊.

This is a safe space, which means all questions are good questions!

Latest comments (9)

beginnercoder17 profile image

Hello!!!! I have been having trouble with arrays. :(

murkrage profile image
Mike Ekkel

What are you struggling with specifically?

beginnercoder17 profile image

Just the very basic style of it. :3

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murkrage profile image
Mike Ekkel

Two sources I can recommend are Javascript30 and Beginner Javascript. They are both by Wes Bos, who is an amazing teacher. JS30 is free and has a bunch of videos about arrays.

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beginnercoder17 profile image

TYSM! :3

cprlgeek profile image
Raksha A

Hi Mike,
While I was learning javascript, 'Promises' was the most confusing topic for me. Nesting promises and chaining promises were really tough for me.

murkrage profile image
Mike Ekkel

Ohh I remember the feeling! Nowadays I am very comfortable with promises and the newer async/await syntax.

I struggled with nesting / chaining as well because it felt like I was just shifting the callback hell to chaining hell. How do you feel about promises now :)?

brendamichellle profile image
Brenda Michelle

I am in the same boat!

cprlgeek profile image
Raksha A

I have the same experience. The new async/await syntax is much easier to use and understand.
I still struggle when I try to write chained promises but when I try the same with async/await, its easier for me.