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Cover image for Henry's mysterious identity in That's Not My Neighbor
Nadya Nabakova
Nadya Nabakova

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Henry's mysterious identity in That's Not My Neighbor

Where the story began

In 1955, a small town is attacked by monsters that can take any form. They can pretend to be locals and infiltrate protected areas. To stop the spread of the threat, the government created a unit to catch and destroy the doppelgangers. It also hired the protagonist as a janitor in one of the apartment buildings. His main task is to monitor the neighbors and identify among them monsters-shifters.

At the beginning of the game will show a tutorial video explaining the basics. First, you should always communicate with your neighbors, otherwise it will be difficult to understand whether it is a double or not. Secondly, it is important to check your documents carefully. Third, you need to be like Henry - that's the name of the previous janitor, with whom the training video introduces. Henry is a young man in his early twenties who didn't do too well, but survived. Therefore, it is necessary to be like Henry, but better. The task of the janitor is not only to find doppelgangers, but also to help residents get into their apartments.

What is the job of a DDD

During training, the player is introduced to the Department of Doppelganger Demasking (DDD), which promises to come to the rescue. The DDD can be contacted by phone, the number of which is written on the sheet to the left of the window. You must call quickly so that the monster does not escape. It is recommended that you first press the panic button to initiate an emergency and close the shutters on the windows and doors. Seconds after the call, DDD agents will arrive and eliminate the suspect.

However, it is important to realize that agents will also kill the occasional neighbor if the janitor makes a mistake. The job of a janitor requires responsibility and caution.

There is a monster in the game that is not afraid of DDD agents. Nightmare Clown is a creature in bloody dirty clothes with a wide grin. He appears at the end of the game on the β€œnightmare” difficulty level and offers to play a card game. If you refuse and initiate a sweep, the Clown will laugh. When the DDD agents arrive, you can hear loud noises, and after a couple seconds, the head of a DDD officer perched on a stick will appear in the window. The only way to survive is to play with the Clown and try to defeat him twice.

The main danger in the game

During the training in the TNMN game, the player is told that doppelgangers are evil creatures with the superpower to take on any appearance. Their danger is that they can pretend to be anyone. Detecting them is not easy, and the difficulty of calculating them depends on the quality of the reincarnation.

In the process, the janitor will be approached by different personalities for permission to enter. The player must check the documents and decide whether the person can be let in. To do this, you need to look in the folder with information about the residents and compare the data with those that the visitor presents. It is important to check the identification number, apartment number, photos and characteristic features. If something doesn't match, there is a double in front of the janitor. Then the panic button should be pressed and DDD agents should be called.

Some doppelgangers make gross errors in reincarnation. You might see a neighbor's eye fall out, a sign of non-human nature. Such errors include melted faces, black holes instead of mouths and eyes, unexplainable liquid flowing out of holes, and more.

By following simple tips from the training, you can easily spot the doppelganger and destroy it. If the janitor misses the monster, the one will kill everyone in the night.

Difficulties in the job of a janitor

The hardest part of the job is noticing the smallest details. For example, the absence of the usual headgear or the appearance of a mole in the wrong place. Such nuances can indicate a monster pretending to be a neighbor. And only a true professional will cope with this work 100%.

To make the day a success, you need to follow the rule: always look at the list β€œfor today”. It lists the neighbors who are likely to come home. If someone is absent or came extra, it could be a double. Check all documentation, including photo and ID number, as previously discussed. Open the resident's folder and check for unique traits. It could be a big nose, plump lips, a mole, long hair, stern look and others. Doppelgangers don't care about the little things, they can accidentally create a mole on the wrong cheek. This indicates an alien origin and a specialist should be called in.

Proof that behind the glass is a double - extra limbs, eyes, mouths. Sometimes creatures do not hide, show evil grins, molten faces, bloodshot eyes. Stay calm, assess the situation sensibly. Control the process, do not allow the monster to penetrate the house. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the main thing in the work of the janitor is calmness and equanimity.

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