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Discussion on: [On-Demand Talk] You're not an Imposter, You're a Life-Long Learner

porton22 profile image
Peter Orton • Edited

(Question for PJ) Online resources recently lead me to believe that interviews in the tech industry are rapidly increasing in difficulty, despite the industry crying out for new Dev's. Do you think this contributes to imposter syndrome, and if so how would you combat this?

Basically, the interview scene is becoming increasingly intimidating, and I think this creates anxiety and doubt.

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Pj Metz

From my experience, even experienced developers hate interviewing. The interview process can often feel very different from the actual work you'll do. I'd agree that it can lead to a belief you don't belong.

The best way to combat that is with the knowledge that interviews are often not directly related to what you'll do at the job. In fact, they're two different skill sets.