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What are some of the things you wish you knew before your first Software Development Job?

What are some of the things you wish you knew before your first Software Development Job?

Here is a list of some of the things I wish I knew before my first Software Development job, hope these will help coding newbies :) :

  1. Learn Version Control/ Git, a lot of companies use version control to keep track of their code changes. knowing how to check in code and rolling back to your previously working code will save you from re doing your work when your device gets lost/broken and version control makes collaborating with other developers easier too.

  2. Most of the times you will be doing maintenance and not starting a project from scratch. The code/project might be confusing in beginning but you'll get used to this :). Which brings me to the next thing you should learn.

  3. Learn how to read other developers' code, if you will be making changes on an already existing project you'll have to go through what the previous developer did and how they did it. This will help understand and know what you should change and where.

  4. Learn how to use debugging tools like Chrome DevTools, Visual Studio Debugger. They make the whole debugging process a whole lot easier and faster with their cool features like stepping through code,console, inspecting variables with data tips etc...

  5. Ask for help, your seniors are there to assist you. When asking for help try to explain the problem and solutions you have tried, this will make it easier for them to assist you and not advice you to try what you have already tried.

Hope these will help codenewbies out there.
Happy coding :).

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