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Discussion on: The Occasional Update - no.1

taurist profile image
Tauri StClaire

Aaaahhhh, how cool McKenna! ✨ ✨ ✨
It was REALLY REASSURING reading about your processing working thru a particular part of lessons with React! You got excellent support, stuck with it, took notes, used colors, and then your brain started to get it!! Very encouraging for all of the inevitable times I will hit hills and road blocks. πŸ’ͺ
OH yes you reminded me I want to start including references to interesting articles I read and videos!
I love how you organized it into different fun sections like what you watched this week! I love anime (yet another thing we have in common!) so I'll probably check out the Deer King after it's been out for awhile longer {:

mckennabramble profile image
McKenna Bramble

I'm glad you liked the set up! I tend to read a lot of random things and listen to a lot of content, so I figured it would be nice to include like one or two interesting tech things that I consumed outside of my lessons. The articles you've shared with me have been great, so I'm excited for you to incorporate those resources into your posts! ⚑⚑⚑