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Discussion on: From Front Desk to Front End p.4

taurist profile image
Tauri StClaire

You can accomplish a lot with Flexbox that you can do with CSS Grid! CSS Grid does make it A LOT easier and neater to create layouts that have both columns and rows tho, and to place items very specifically in your layout. Flexbox can be used with Grid to fine tune specific regions of the grid, and CSS grid can be used to create 'auto-layouts' which automatically arrange items as a screen resizes and it's p rad! I would def recommend getting around to it whenever you have a chance and Skillcrush's class introducing it was a breezy two weeks compared to the core classes with some great review in Flexbox. (I just split up how I took the classes myself). :)
We usually take FOREVER thru games too but have been pretty addicted to Hollowknight! We take turns playing so that makes it more fun! Hollowknight (and Dark Souls) are like learning programming for me bc they're very challenging games and we have to be patient and grow a little bit at a time. And I'm pretty good cracking the rhythm with bosses, but my girlfriend is always the one that seals the deal and nails 'em! 💥

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mckennabramble profile image
McKenna Bramble

Thank you for the info about CSS grid; it is actually really helpful! And I agree about Hollow Knight and programming - the map kills me.