Last year, I made the decision to study web development after finding out you do not need a computer science degree to become a front-end web developer. In high school I studied development and had an interest but it seemed so far-fetched for a young black girl living in the southside of Atlanta who had only known the career as a white-male dominated space. The pandemic forced most people to reconsider many of their dreams and I was one of them. I no longer felt the need to get a Psychology degree because thats what was expected of me. I revisited that not so little girl and decided to choose chasing my dreams no matter how far-fetched they seemed. I researched and connected with like-minded people starting this same journey. One of those people directed me to G{Code}, a intro level fellowship for web development. I was also directed to an Atlanta based nonprofit, called Techbridge, that helps young adults get jobs in the tech field. On a whim I applied to both and was utterly surprised when I found out I was accepted to both. Unable to turn down one of the pair, I decided I would complete both fellowships. The timing worked perfectly for both and my work schedule aligned as well.
I've experienced burnout multiple times in college so I am pretty accustomed to the signs. Things like waking up late, skipping meals, and just being plain old tired are how I know its time to slow down. This past week was a little overwhelming between juggling family obligations, working, and attending two bootcamps. I selfishly chose self-care this week and took a break. I could not be more thankful. If I want to continue this journey, I have to choose myself first. This next week I've dedicated to planning properly and not letting others consume me so I can focus on my end goal. As a code newbie I've realized its really important take time to relax.
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