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Discussion on: [On-Demand Talk] This Box Will Change Your Life

towers1209 profile image
Loreto E. Torres

Q: Is there any place in the web where documentation about CSS features β€” like what you have done with boxes β€” can be found?

From the look of your slides, I could surmise that there has been a lot of work put into it (to make it look soo easy to comprehend).

Q: How much time did you put in your presentation for your allotted time?

whitep4nth3r profile image
@whitep4nth3r • Edited

There is a wealth of information on MDN about all of the CSS specification: β€” it can be rather wordy. So I would always recommend trying to put what you're reading into context and experiment with HTML and CSS with your own code to understand how it works.

I think I spent almost a week on writing the talk and building the demos and ensuring that the message was clear and not scary!

towers1209 profile image
Loreto E. Torres

I’ve seen the mozilla docs and I don’t like β€˜em.

To make the mozilla docs really good the way you did would be a β€œmiracle” β€” i.e., without the proper intention, dedication, and most of all time-and-money budget.

You really did a good job for presenting the importance of that one box property.