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Color Prediction Game Development: Cost & Key Features


Color prediction software is an online gaming application that usually predicts the final results that are completely based on the sequence and pattern of color. In the color prediction game, many of the players do predict the exact sequence of colors that will be shown to them in the upcoming sequence. The gaming or betting software helps the gaming players track similar matching predictions and scores to see their highest performance. Every participant's main objective is to predict the color sequence or to win if their prediction matches that so they can win a huge amount of money. However, people are looking for these types of gaming platform that gives them immense sources of thrill and joy also they can have a secondary source of income.

What is a Colour Prediction Game?

A color prediction game is an online gambling activity or a type of game in which the players have to predict the outcome of an event that is related to different shades of colors. It is a popular casino online game with a heavy audience of players and has become very popular in the talk of the town. The player or the participants wins and gets huge betting if the chosen color matches their prediction.
The color prediction game is developed by color prediction software and can be in any format, it can be introduced as a spinning wheel or you can take as a set of cards or colored squares. There is no limit in this game or the number of players that can be played with any given number. The color prediction games are full of fun, thrill, excitement, and rewards. As Compared to other casino games app development like the most famous game β€œThe Aviator Game Development” color prediction game development is less complex in the gaming industry.

Types of Colour Prediction Games

  1. Color Wheel Predictions
  2. Card-based color Prediction
  3. Dice Games
  4. Virtual games
  5. Numbered Ball Draw
  6. Roulette Style Games

How Does Colour Prediction Betting Game Work?

Selection and colors of a Platform:

The gaming players have to first choose a platform or website that hosts a color prediction game. Generally, the players have to create an account on these types of gaming platforms so that they can participate in the game of color prediction. Any type of online game on these platforms can include color combinations like wheel segmentation, or other cards, dice faces, or roulette in the color prediction game and the event.

2. Placing Bets and Triggering of Event:

Players have to place the bet on the color they predict and the prediction which is made by them will be the outcome of the next upcoming event. There can be certain limits that are used to set the bidding amount which is specifically specified by the gaming platform. Through the color prediction software, we can observe them as after placing the bets, the color prediction game with its proper mechanism begins, and there will be a random event that is based on the final results.

3. Outcome Determination and Wining Process:

The result of the random happening event will decide the outcome of the color prediction game. For example, if the rotating wheel stops on the color red or the drawn ball is blue, this will be the result. The winner is the one whose bet color matches the outcome color and after that, all other players will lose the placed bet. In the color prediction game, all the participants and gamers have two options they can leave the game by withdrawing their winnings

Key Features To Consider for Colour Prediction Game Development

Random Number Generation

The color prediction software or the game should incorporate random number generation (RNG) algorithms to make sure that the color prediction games are fair and unpredictable for all the participants and players. This keeps players engaged and makes this an enjoyable experience unleashing the trustworthiness within them. It also increases the sports betting app development.


Customization in the development of a color prediction game includes every necessary part like color palettes, themes, and presets that make the gaming software more versatile for different industries and can be used on different gaming platforms. A complete user and interactive experience makes our game more engaging and easy for players of all the considered age groups also it emphasizes the negative thinking towards our business.
Through customization options, users will be able to change in-app visuals and sounds.

Betting Options

Players enjoy having different sports betting options in online casino games or sports gambling, like betting on single colors or different types of color combinations. Integrating more options keeps our users more engaging and interesting for players. Integrating social media into the gaming platform allows all the users to share their achievements and complete their target.

Native Language Support

Native language support enables all other users to cater our color prediction software to users worldwide. This game also helps us to expand our user base and leverage more opportunities to grow our business globally. Therefore, this feature should be incorporated into our color prediction software and enhance the gaming activity.

Real-time Insights

color prediction software should provide real-time data and insights, like the live game results and proper analytics, to keep the users informed and engaged with the sports betting platform. This also ensures high retention and monetization for business. For real-time insights, we can invite friends, and connect with other users, that can significantly contribute to user acquisition and proper retention.

Secure Payment Gateway

A secure and reliable payment option is very essential for processing transactions within the gaming software. Also, this can ensure that user payments and withdrawals are handled safely and efficiently. This encourage the users to take part in sports betting website development industry.
Also, this generates users' trustworthiness in your business.

Color Prediction Betting Game Development Process

1. Market Research

The first and initial step of a color prediction game is to develop a color prediction game app to analyze the market. also, It is very essential to go through a lot of market research, so that we can get to know what's currently popular in the app market and to whom our competitors are also we can have the ratio of targeted audience that our competitors don't meet, and how we all can provide a better experience than them by an analyzing the most commonly asked questions that can help us in achieving our goals easily. We have to make sure that how can we present our idea of a color prediction game to attract the other and keep them engaged while playing the game

2. Create a Game Blueprint

After doing the market research, we have to create a proper and formatted blueprint for designing a color prediction game. This blueprint is very essential for successfully deploying and developing color prediction software. This is the document in which we have to mention all the necessary features, and functions or designs with the technologies used and other important details. We should spend significant time on this type of document since it will make the development process much easier.

3. Work with Color Prediction Software Development Industry

After finalizing the blueprint, the next step we move is to find a mobile game development service company to meet our basic needs for developing a color prediction game in the software. They have a team of designers , project managers, and quality assurance testers on the other staff and have extension experience for creating our apps in the online gambling industry so that they can grasp our requirements. Ensure that those search companies' previous work or the areas of expertise and familiarity with current trends.

4. Create an MVP Color Prediction Game

To begin the game we have to create a basic version of our game that includes only the most important features that we need in our function that is a minimum value product that is the early version to get the feedback so that they can enjoy it at the most or can add some fancy features before investing a lot of time in building the extra unnecessary parts on the early version of the game that gives us the positive feedback.

5. Development and Launching

The implementation or development phase is very crucial in developing the color prediction game app. At this stage, the designers and developers with the testing team will work together to bring our idea to life. We'll need to coordinate with the gaming team so that everything goes smoothly. Also, we can suggest some features or any other improvements to functionality. After that, we have to test things like the user experience and how well the app works on different devices, whether all the things get planned features, or how quickly the app loads and performs tasks. After doing all things we can check if there are any issues found during testing the app will be ready to release to our users. This final stage is essential to guarantee people enjoy using the app.

How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Colour Prediction Game?

The cost of a betting app like color prediction software depends on various factors.

  • Game designing (UI/UX design)
  • The complexity of color prediction software designing
  • Basic/advanced features of the game
  • Developer's experience
  • Platform (Android, IOS, or both)
  • The reputation in the industry and a suitable place for a software development company
  • An estimated Cost for color prediction software Development is around $20 to $50 / Hour
  • An Intermediate Company Cost for color prediction game Development is around $60 to $130 / Hour
  • Enterprise-level Company Cost for color prediction software Game Development: $170 – $500 / Hour For a fully functional integration with advanced functions, a color prediction game software will cost us the price around $20,000 to $40,000. Therefore, it would be great to first consult with a software development industry about the cost of color prediction apps. Moving towards the essential features we can develop an online color prediction software that may cost us the price around $5,000 to $25,000 with essential features and functionalities for a single platform, Android, iOS, and Web.

Build Own Your Color Prediction Game Today: +91 82095 14612


color prediction games are one of the most famous online games that have gained a significant position and a lot of popularity in online casinos with massive popularity among billions of people. These numbers are fascinating, plus they give us the best chance to expand or grow our business by launching our color prediction game software. Vigorous IT Solutions is the best platform that gives us all the information and the best gaming platform for all our users also it helps in making or operating the functionality of color preduction gaming software. Also, it ensures our users enjoy the game at most and keep engaged while playing the game.

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