Do you feel you are making progress towards your longterm goals?
Most times, I feel like I am not but what I have learned to do is to always show up everyday even though I don't necessarily accomplish my tasks for that day.
I am too hard on myself and often allow bad days of unaccopmlished goals spill in to corrupt othr brand new days. However, I have learned to just show up no matter how small. Because I learned from the book 'Atomic Habits" that every action no matter how insignificant is a vote to the type of person you want to become.
Tell us about any changes you want to make to your coding plan.
I think I would have to remove exercises as part of my first activities in the morning so that I can use that period when I am at my optimal best to code more.
Most times, I feel like I am not but what I have learned to do is to always show up everyday even though I don't necessarily accomplish my tasks for that day.
I am too hard on myself and often allow bad days of unaccopmlished goals spill in to corrupt othr brand new days. However, I have learned to just show up no matter how small. Because I learned from the book 'Atomic Habits" that every action no matter how insignificant is a vote to the type of person you want to become.
every action no matter how insignificant is a vote to the type of person you want to become. 💪💪