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Lesson Learned: Massive Burnout In Learning Web Development

Ayu Adiati on June 09, 2021

Hello Fellow Codenewbies πŸ‘‹, You read an article or a Tweet on how someone becomes successful. That person's journey then becomes a motivation for ...
mccurcio profile image
Matt C • Edited

I remind myself that Education is not a race to finish first.
It is only a race against myself to learn what I can do well.

For me, the paradox of Education is that you learn the extent of your knowledge.
Q. What am I good at doing?
Q. What areas do I need help in?

Education is not learning everything, that's impossible. Carpenters don't learn to build every imaginable home. They learn how to use their tools well. Carpenters do not build skyscrapers. They know what the limits of building with wood are.

anitabe404 profile image
Anita Beauchamp

Yes, knowing our limits is what ultimately allows us to be useful without grinding ourselves down. If we had to know everything, we could never rest and we'd always have to learn at a lightning-fast speed as technology changes quickly. If we know our tools and the limits of those tools, we can accept the work that we're capable of and let the rest pass us.

Excellent point Matt!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Agree with you, Matt!
Especially in it's impossible to learn everything!

ellativity profile image
Ella (she/her/elle)

Thanks so much for sharing this, @adiatiayu - so much honesty and truth.

I really love the note to your future self:

I could encounter another burnout in the future. If that time comes, I will look back at this post, and remind me that I was there before and I survived.

mccurcio profile image
Matt C

Ayu & Ella,

so much honesty and truth - Ayu

HEAR, Hear.
If I didn't say it before, I'll say it now.
Thank you for sharing and starting this thread/discussion.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you for reading and giving such great tips, Matt!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you so much for reading, @ellativity 😊

Yes, I really need to remind my future self πŸ˜„

anitabe404 profile image
Anita Beauchamp

This is an important article. It gave me the nudge that I needed to slow down as I've been feeling a bit stressed and discouraged myself. You give really great tips on combatting it, and I will be putting these into practice.

Your post has inspired me to share some of my struggles in a post of my own. Thank you!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you for reading, and I'm glad if it helped you in some way, Anita! πŸ˜€

I hope you would get much better after slowing down, and looking forward to read your post! πŸ˜„

kawazack profile image
kawazack • Edited

"Why can't I understand it? Why am I doing this while I should learn and try harder?"

Thanks for this honest pain sharing. I felt that sometimes! :P

"The only thing I can compare is where I am now and where I was before" This is the waaaaay, yaaaay!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you for reading and welcome to CodeNewbie! πŸ˜ƒ

There are many ways to do networking and be in a community.
CodeNewbie is defenitely one of them!
If you find anyone who has same interest as you (language, skill, etc.), you can follow them and send them private message.
I'm not quite sure if only you who need to follow them, or they have to follow you back for you to be able to send message. But you can always drop comment and ask if they're into some discussions.

If you're on Twitter, you can follow tech ppl and see how it goes from there. That's how I found my communities 😊

I've wrote a blogpost about how I found my communities here. Hopefully it helps πŸ˜„

blitzdex27 profile image

This is a good read. Thank you for sharing. I also experienced this before, and my personal solution is to exercise. I had this itchy feeling that it will wake up the brains in my muscles to process the learning contents faster. Just a metaphor. Good luck to us newbies!

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you for reading, @blitzdex27 ! πŸ˜€
Excercise is one great solutions as well!
Glad that you've overcome it 😊

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you for reading πŸ˜„
I really do hope that you're doing much better now, @jasonbraganza !

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

Great read

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thank you and also for reading, @ben 😊

nicm42 profile image

I keep thinking I've learnt this lesson and then end up needing to learn it again. So this was a good reminder.

adiatiayu profile image
Ayu Adiati

Thanks, Nic!
It happens to me too! That's why I wrote this post one of the reasons is as self-reminder πŸ˜„