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5 Different Types of Foot Surgery That An Orthopedic Surgeon Can Perform

The ligament you tore in your foot while playing your favorite sport just a few weeks ago Your physical therapist has been at work, trying to help you recover from it. But, your crutches as well as the constant discomfort within your foot are a reminder that you'll not recover from this injury anytime in the near future, at least not by therapy on its own.

If your foot ailment isn't able to heal and each step causes pain to your body, it's time to think about orthopaedic surgery.

Below are five types of foot surgery that orthopedic surgeons carry out to get you to your feet again.

Restarting On The Right Track

Despite the crucial function they play in daily routine, your feet may be extremely fragile. Any strain, tear to ligament, or fracture could make you unfit for a long time.

The positive side is that the majority of ankle and foot injuries can be treated with time with the aid of physical therapy exercises. However, sometimes the injury may be so serious that the rehabilitation process isn't enough. In these instances you'll have the option of turning toward orthopedic surgical procedures.

The orthopedic specialists at Okanagan Health Surgical Centre offer five kinds of foot surgery that will help you get to your feet:

  • The foot and ankle arthroscopy
  • Surgery to fuse the foot and ankle
  • Achilles tendon repair
  • Metatarsal foot surgery
  • Calcaneal osteotomy

To find out more about foot surgery services offered from our surgeons for orthopedic problems, please read the rest of this article.

How Orthopedic Surgeons Fix Your Feet

As with all surgical procedures foot surgery is typically an option last option. Experts in orthopedics rarely recommend the use of these procedures unless gentle treatments have been tried.

The type of the foot injury and the severity of your foot injury the orthopedic surgeon will carry out any of these five kinds that involve foot surgeries:

  • Ankle and foot arthroscopy In general, it is not as invasive as other types of foot procedure, arthroscopy requires the use of a tiny fibre-optic camera (arthroscope) inside your ankle joint. The arthroscope relays pictures to surgeons which allows them to see how your foot is inside. While arthroscopy cannot repair your ankle or foot injury on its own It is usually an initial cut (quite practically!) of more complicated procedures. Arthroscopy examines the nature and extent of your injury. It also informs the foot surgeon what will be required to fix the issue. If you suspect having an ankle fracture ruptured ligaments in your ankle, arthritis or an ankle strain Your surgeon can do an arthroscopy.
  • Ankle and foot surgery for fusionThis operation involves joining multiple bones (hence the word "fusion") in the ankle or foot. The reasoning behind it is that combining distinct bones creates the foot stronger and stable. foot. Plates and screws are put in order to add additional support for the fusion bones. Fusion surgery is a successful treatment for ankle flat feet, arthritis and fractures.
  • Achilles tendon repairs Although the Achilles tendon is sturdy and is the biggest tendon in your body it is still susceptible to tearing when exposed to force. A ruptured Achilles is when you feel pain at every step you undertake. Repairing the Achilles tendon requires stitching the ruptured or torn Achilles tendon back to. In the event that your Achilles tendon has been badly damaged, your surgeon might select a tendon from another area of your foot to repair it.
  • Foot surgery for metatarsal areasBehind each toe is the long metatarsal bone. These bones are susceptible to breaking when you turn your foot, or drop a large object onto it. The metatarsal bones could be damaged when you suffer from arthritis rheumatoid. The treatment for metatarsal bone involves strengthening or aligning the bones that are damaged by fixing devices like screws and pins.
  • Calcaneal osteotomy When your calcaneus (heel bone) is broken, surgery might be required. It involves realigning the heel bone with fixation devices.

In comparison to other foot surgery, calcaneal osteotomies are straightforward enough to allow you to return home the same day as your procedure.

Get on Your Feet And Do It

Some of the most frequently used ankle and foot surgeries include:

  1. Ankle and foot arthroscopy Images are transmitted from your foot to a surgeon for them to evaluate what steps to take next.
  2. Fusion of the ankle and foot: Strengthens your bones by fusing them.
  3. Achilles tendon repairs Stitch your torn and ruptured Achilles tendon to back.
  4. Foot surgery for metatarsalsReinforces or realigns damaged metatarsal bones using fixation devices.
  5. Calcaneal osteotomyRealigns the fractured heel bone by using fixation devices. Are you concerned that your feet might need one or more of the procedures in order to get back to their former mobility? visit our expert foot surgeons in Perth.


When should I undergo the surgery for my ankle, foot, or both?

The foot surgery is usually the last resort when physiotherapeutic treatment has proved inadequate

How long will most ankle or foot surgeries take?

The majority of these procedures last between 3 to 4 hours however recovery can take much longer. It is advised to take at minimum one or two weeks off from work.

Are ankle and foot surgery uncomfortable?

Local anesthesia and a mild moderate sedation guarantee that you will not feel any discomfort during the procedure.

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