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Discussion on: Is jQuery still relevant?

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Ben Halpern

jQuery has been supplanted by improved browser APIs, so it is definitely not relevant like it used to be, but there are plenty of reasons why it is not a total gonner:

  • It's still a convenience API. For certain projects, just grab whatever makes your life simplest, and jQuery can do that.
  • It's still all over the web as a legacy library. Removing it probably not practical outside of system-wide rewrites.
  • It certainly hasn't been supplanted by React etc. They do different things.
  • jQuery may change over time. Sometimes software evolves dramatically but keeps the name.

This last point begs some philosophical questions along the lines of The Ship of Theseus...

If jQuery continues to get new versions for the next many years, responding to new community requirements, is it still jQuery we're talking about once all the old code is flushed?