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Discussion on: [#CNC2022 "Code More" Cohort 1] Why do you want to code more?

bredmond1019 profile image
Brandon Redmond

Hey all,

I want to code more because I love learning and being creative, so for me, software development really encompasses all of that. I would love to be able to turn this into a means of income.

To make my goals quantifiable, I can say that success to me looks like completing my personal site, having three projects I can post on my site, and having written 3 blog articles to have posted on my site. I would say that currently, I am about 1/3 of the way there.

My assumptions are that I have the discipline to stay motivated and persevere. I have the skills in place to ensure I learn what is necessary to reach my goals. And that I can complete them this year.

I often lose focus due to life events and lose valuable time getting closer to these goals. I'm hoping that being apart of this challenge will help me make some new friends and to help each other move forward and keep each other accountable.

georgeanderson profile image
George Guimarães

Hi Brandon, are you currently in a different career trying to work your way into software development? I haven't walked that path myself but I know of many people who did and I can assure you it's worth doing it. Not so much because of the financial aspect (as awesome as it is for most), but because of the sense of fulfillment you will have uniting learning and creativity in one craft.

Looking forward to hearing about your journey in the future.


bredmond1019 profile image
Brandon Redmond

E aí George! Tudo bem?

I left my job as a high school computer science teacher a little over a year and a half ago. I've been trying to get into the software world since, and while I've been very focused during most of this year and a half, sometimes life happens and I get side tracked. I am getting closer and closer, and very much looking forward to it.

Tbm, sim! Pratico português todos os dias. Eu casei um brasiliero e visitamos a família dele pelo menos uma vez por ano, em Fortaleza. Acabemos de passar duas meses no brasil essa última november e dezembro. Sinto muito saudades do brasil e do sol da Fortlaza e São Paulo. Nova Iorque tá bem frio hj em dia... Tô sonhando de voltar em breve.

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georgeanderson profile image
George Guimarães

Tudo certo!

Thanks for sharing your career path. I'm sure many opportunities will present themselves very soon if you keep persisting at your goals. There are so many jobs open and the market is immense. Just keep learning and taking one day at a time and soon you will become a fellow software developer.

Agora faz sentido você "falar" Português tão bem. Eu sou da Paraíba, que fica relativamente perto do Ceará. É uma boa estratégia ir para Fortaleza durante os meses frios em NY. Sucesso mais um vez na sua jornada!