CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Nothing feels better...

I'm currently working on my Skillcrush classes for frontend development for a third time, and I'd forgotten how wonderful it felt to figure things out on your own.

Well, not on your own... but without running to instructors or the solution code for the answers first.

Ya feel so smart!

Same with writing out your CSS and seeing it all come to life bit by bit. Even the HTML and any text you add!

The more you layer and see things coming together, the more confident in yourself you feel.

And I love it!

Do you agree?
Is there a moment in text you experience that you love more?

Let's discuss!

Latest comments (4)

andrewbaisden profile image
Andrew Baisden

Even developers with lots of experience get the same feeling 😍

cierra2105 profile image
Cierra (シエラ)πŸ’œπŸ€πŸ–€

I bet! It's like in your head you go, "dang... I'm SO smart!! Wow! I found a way to figure it out!"

It's great!

gersonvasquez profile image
Gerson Vasquez

I agree with you 100%. Being able to write your text in html then going to CSS and make it look awesome. Although most of the times I have to go to stackoverflow and whatnot but you can make it your own, and I love it. πŸ’―

cierra2105 profile image
Cierra (シエラ)πŸ’œπŸ€πŸ–€


And the constant reminder that Google will be your best friend is so helpful haha. Sometimes it can feel like you're cheating, but it's not cheating at all to look into how to fix an issue you have with your code!

Seeing your work come to life is the best!

Thanks SO much for taking time out to comment!