CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: [#CNC2022 "Code More" Cohort 1] Why do you want to code more?

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dorothy joy • Edited

1. Why do you want to code more:

I want to code more because I want to get a job that becomes a career in technology, creating and contributing to projects that I am proud to be a part of and eager to share with others. Also the pay bump would be a very welcome change for good in my life.

2. How will you know when you've reached your goal?

I know I'll have reached my "code more" goal when I complete the freeCodeCamp certifications in "Responsive Web Design", "JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures", and "Front End Development Libraries" and have the confidence in my skills to assemble a portfolio and interview for related positions.

3. What were some of the assumptions about reaching your goal that you identified?

1) That I will maintain enough motivation to push forward even when I am not "feeling like it".

The plan is to find an accountability buddy for regular check-ins and support (DM me on twitter if you're interested @codeandbees) in addition to putting together a quick-to-access collection of articles, people & visuals that remind me why I want to code. Keeping things visually present helps me focus on them.

2) That I will have enough time to consistently complete lessons and get help as needed.
This is on me to recognize when I need to slow down and dive deeper into concepts instead of zooming through before I've fully grasped things. I want to understand what I am learning well enough to carry on a discussion about it.

3) That I will be able to find the help I need and have the courage to interact with other coders.

Anyone else struggle with social anxiety? It's been a lifelong challenge for me, and despite having had multiple jobs in customer-facing roles and doing all sorts of things that require interacting with others, this is still something that holds me back at times. When it comes to coding, I get even more anxious because I really love code and the spirit of the coding community, so the stakes feel very high.

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Mark King

Thank you for your transparency. I can relate with the time management aspect, wanting to fully grasp concepts and being able to make contributions.

You are already on your way, so keep up the great work you have started. You can do it!