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Cover image for [#CNC2022 "Get a Job" Cohort 1] What are your three favorite companies?

[#CNC2022 "Get a Job" Cohort 1] What are your three favorite companies?

CodeNewbie Staff on January 30, 2022

This thread is for participants in Cohort 1 of #CNC2022's "Get a Job" Challenge. Mission 1 pt. I Discussion Thread After you've complet...
zlehmann profile image
Zachary Lehmann
  1. Sidewalk Labs - not surprised it made it on the list but surprised the algorithms pushed it to me so hard.
  2. 3D Robotics - I've loved them for a long time. It would be a stretch to get a job there but I would love to work there!
  3. Environmental Defense Fund - Also not surprised they made it on my list. I like the work they do and think I could contribute there, but not seeing the path in.
gracie profile image
Gracie Gregory (she/her)

3D Robotics seems like it would be an incredible place to work. Love this list!

geraldiner profile image
  1. Pivot Interactives - Admittedly, I just learned about them because someone reached out to me via email for one of their open positions 🤞🏽
  2. / CodeHS - Not surprising because I'm very passionate about education, and especially STEM education, and particularly CS education recently.
  3. Discovery Education - Same as above- I'm more partial to smaller companies, but I am curious about big companies and it would be interesting just to interview with them if I could.

Definitely not surprised by the companies on my list. As mentioned above, I am very passionate about education and it would be a dream to work for an EdTech company. I am also interested in any place that's doing research or something innovative, but didn't quite come across any yet.

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Great list! EdTech is a very interesting area to look into especially with so much remote and hybrid learning occurring these days and likely into the future.

shauncy777 profile image
Shawn Daugherty Calhoun
  1. Spotify - Not surprised. I still find this an exciting prospect despite the ensuing drama. Incredibly difficult for a noob like myself to land a role like this.
  2. American Institutes for Research - A bit surprised. Stumbled on this on a Veterans' job board and inspired by their mission.
  3. Scan 123 - Surprised. Had my first interview and this conscientious small team made a great impression. Although the product isn't super exciting, I am intrigued to work with these developers.
geraldiner profile image

I'll be rooting for you for Spotify, Shawn (although it is a bit unfortunate about the ensuing drama)! I recently had a Google recruiter reach out to me and push me to the virtual onsite interviews round, and I'm still reeling- I don't know who's looking out for me, but I'm going to share the good vibes with you! You got this!

dev_tgt profile image
Timothy Taylor
  1. Headspace - not surprised, pretty much a dream job. Ideal mix of ideals & aesthetic.
  2. Nebulab - stumbled on their 'playbook' early in this process, looks like a place with great culture especially for a remote company. Appreciate that their product helps small businesses.
  3. Pledge - a bit surprising, smaller company doing interesting fundraising work.
darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Love the idea of working at Headspace - I can totally see the appeal of their ideals. Probably one of the reasons health/wellness companies come to mind for me.

alekseisaunders profile image
Alex Saunders

Ohh, like the headspace idea. Love Andy and the app. Certainly has helped a lot during these last few years. Great stretch goal!

rodrigohdiaz profile image
Rodrigo Diaz
  1. Roam Creative - not so surprised to see it in my list.
  2. Phosphor - a bit surprised to see it in my list.
  3. Psychoactive studios - not surprised to see them on my list, I love their work
darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Hi all, Doing a bit of catch-up here in posting some companies from my list.

  1. Thinkific (or similar company) - I have a background working in higher education, so a company like this appeals to me.

  2. Zwift (or similar company) - this company operates in the fitness industry, they do not seem to hire from my country so I'll have to expand my search a bit more to find other companies in health/wellness/fitness.

  3. Logitech/Streamlabs (or similar company) - more of a tech focused company that has fun products/services and hopefully would in turn be a fun environment to work in.

What was a bit of a surprise to me was thinking about industries I was passionate about to expand my list of companies (and not just working off job boards). For example, I cycle and used to run a fair bit, so that directed some of my search towards companies involved in health/wellness/fitness. Some of their job postings might never hit the job boards I often look at.

I do want to keep working on my list and updating it, but I have a good start.

dev_tgt profile image
Timothy Taylor

Oh, Zwift is cool. Good call. I see they have some internship programs too..

Any other companies in the fitness industry you came across? That is a direction I didn't think of for some reason (but am very interesting in).

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

So I don't have a very flushed out list yet, there are the regulars (e.g., Nike), but I am going to learn a bit more towards health & wellness companies and see what I come up with!

alekseisaunders profile image
Alex Saunders
  1. Cornell Univeristy (Lab of Ornithology) - Not surprised, this would be a dream job. Love birding, love the platform that Cornell has build to education and empassion people in bird conservation. Lots of cool data science opportunities as well.
  2. Nebo - A mid-sized agency in Atlanta. Love the culture and the vision. Lots of opportunity to grow and diversify.
  3. Audubon - Again, not surprised. Another impactful job and what looks like plenty of opportunity to grow the online presence in a meanful way.
sne_hal_p profile image
Snehal Parate

Turning in late but here are the 3companies:

  1. Headspace - Surprised because I didn't know they offered Frontend Developer roles. This one is a dream company considering their mission and culture they have to offer.
  2. Pinterest - Not surprised, I would love to work here! Their focus is not only just on product but also care about interests of their employees.
  3. Spotify - Not surprised, Great culture, unique hiring process. Surprised that they offer Flexible Public Holidays. Their product and the process simply inspires me!
alekseisaunders profile image
Alex Saunders

I was hoping to get some advice on this search. This will be a new field for me, having spent the last 30 years in environmental conservation and animal husbandry. I've got two paths:
1) Use my previous experience and target companies directly or tangentally involved in conservation.
2) Find a large, diverse team to help me build my skill set and expose me to a diverse tech stack.
Any thoughts?

darylnauman profile image
Daryl Nauman

Hi Alex, I am no expert on this but I think either of the two options you've listed are worth exploring. Switching into tech leveraging while using your previous experience in conservation may help you get in the door; I know this is part of the approach I've used with some luck. That said, a position in a larger company that is open to those making a career change that has the structure to mentor new developers can also be appealing.

alekseisaunders profile image
Alex Saunders

Thanks Daryl.