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Saron Yitbarek for CodeNewbie Team

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I'm Saron Yitbarek, Founder of CodeNewbie — Ask Me Anything!

Hey CodeNewbies! I'm Saron Yitbarek — Founder of CodeNewbie. I introduced myself here a few weeks back but today, I thought I'd open up a dialogue with you!

A few other things about me:

  • I'm a podcaster for the CodeNewbie Podcast and DevNews
  • I'm a software developer
  • I'm currently building Disco which will provide audio courses on technical topics
  • I wore a t-shirt to my wedding
  • I'm super excited to answer any questions you have in the comments below!

Go ahead... ask me anything!

Latest comments (52)

shikoteck profile image
shiko teck

يبحث الكثير من الناس عن طرق لتوفير المال عند التسوق، وتعد أكواد الخصم واحدة من أفضل الطرق لتحقيق ذلك. أكواد الخصم هي عبارة عن رموز يتم إدخالها عند إتمام عملية الشراء، مما يؤدي إلى خصم مبلغ معين من السعر النهائي للمنتج أو الخدمة.

اليك اكواد الخصم

1.كود خصم بوتري بارن

احصل الان علي كود خصم بوتري بارن
2.كود خصم سيفي
احصل الان علي كود خصم سيفي

3.كود خصم نون
احصل الان علي كود خصم نون

4.كود خصم دبدوب
احصل الان علي كود خصم دبدوب

5.كود خصم وفرها
احصل الان علي كود خصم وفرها

taximkawy profile image
تاكسي الكويت

تاكسي الجوهرة خدمة سيارات الاجرة الحديثة داخل الكويت ، خدمة امنه وسريعه تصلك في اقرب وقت ممكن وتنقلك لاي مكتن داخل الكويت باريحية تامة ، سيارات متوفرة بجميع مناطق الكويت ، توصيل مطارات بسيارات احجام مختلفة ، اسعار تنافسية خدمة عملاء متوفرة علي مدار 24 ساعه ، يمكنك طلب الخدمة عن طريق الاتصال بنا اوعن طريق موقعنا الالكتروني تاكسي الكويت

rypop profile image

Hi! I’m interested in computer science and programming as it relates to the field of healthcare informatics. Any tips or suggestions you have related to this would be great. Thanks!

unixbyx profile image
idkwhattoputhere121 • Edited

I've been attempting to learn JS for a while now... Started learning for about a month and a half but then school appeared... During when I was struggling I came along a discord server that helped me greatly about the basic knowledge of coding, github, etc.
But, then I realized that all of these youtube/online tutorials wasn't really going to help me actually learn and understand each string/function/variable in JS (and including npm packages). Can you help me? This is the last website I could find that is based off of this topic.

shak23 profile image

Any tips on maintaining learning consistency? That's always been my biggest issue, consistency.

mrmyatnoe profile image

I am self-taught programmer currently living in Myanmar. I have 4 years experiences as Backend developer majoring java language, Spring boot.Let me know how to get job on abroad. I asked this because almost all countries facing with covid 19 cases.

priyadarshu profile image
Priyadarshini Chettiar

Though I completed the JavaScript course, I still find it difficult to develop applications and be creative. It just feels like I lack the capability to apply for junior developer roles. Have you ever doubt yourself?

lee profile image
Lee • Edited

Hey Saron 👋🏼

When you started CodeNewbie, did you ever think it would turn out to be so popular? Did you have a gut feeling or were you just shooting for the stars?

johnbanas profile image

Hey Saron, big fan of CodeNewbie Podcast, there is a lot of good information from some really interesting guests. I was wondering when you were first getting started coding, what was something you wished you knew then? Perhaps something that would have made things a little easier on yourself? Maybe even a few things : ) Hindsight is always 20/20 and all us newbies could learn valuable lessons from that perspective.

sheriffderek profile image

What was the biggest / confusion - or blurry mental model that held you back - for no good reason?

sheriffderek profile image

What are you learning right now?

sheriffderek profile image

What are your top 3 favorite bands? Which one would you (pretend) like to live with - in college and why?

sheriffderek profile image

If you were starting from zero: and you wanted to learn programming / or design - or whatever - as deeply - but also as soon as possible to get into the industry... in a position so you could be getting paid while learning... what path would you take?

sheriffderek profile image

What "role" in tech - is more important than any other (in this moment) ?

sheriffderek profile image
sheriffderek • Edited

All designs have a goal: What is the goal of CodeNewbie ?