In this episode, we talk about how military veterans can translate their skills into tech with iAsia Brown, military veteran and program manager at Microsoft. iAsia talks about transitioning from the military into tech, documenting her learning and landing a job at Microsoft, and helping other military veterans to break into tech as well.
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- Microsoft Software and Systems Academy
- Raspberry Pi
- AI (Artificial Intelligence)
- ML (Machine Learning)
- C++
- Onward to Opportunity
- DOD SkillBridge
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iAsia Brown
iAsia Brown also known as “The Tech Picasso” is an eccentrically prodigious humanist, she is a globally recognized Storyteller, commissioned artist, host of upcoming "The Butterfly Revolutions " Podcast all while enjoying her day job as a Data & AI Specialist at Microsoft. Having grown up in the concrete jungle of Queens, New York and traveling the world selflessly serving both in the United States Air Force and Marine Corps, she developed an intellectual acuity that allows her to relate, assess, adapt and conquer anything she applies herself to. She is an “ARTIST” of many mediums.
Great insights in this episode! For military veterans looking to further their education or transition into tech roles, writing can be a key part of the process, especially for essays or applications. If you're pressed for time or need help articulating your experiences, you might consider services where you can buy an army essay tailored to your specific background. It can help in presenting your skills effectively.
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