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CodeNewbie Podcast

S18:E6 - How you can use music to learn code (Sam Aaron)

In this episode, we talk about how you can use music to learn code with Sam Aaron, creator and CEO of Sonic Pi. Sam talks about how programming basic games on calculators helped him learn to code, developing a passion for combining music and code, and creating Sonic Pi.

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Sam Aaron

Sam Aaron is a live coder who, through considering programming as performance, focusses on enhancing the productivity and power of modern programming languages and environments. Sam believes that a programming environment which has sufficient liveness, rapid feedback and tolerance of failure to support the live performance of music is an environment ripe for mining novel ideas that will not only benefit artistic practices themselves but also the computer industry and education more generally. In pursuit of this unique perspective Sam has created Sonic Pi, a free live coding environment designed to large both the needs of education and professional musicians.

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Raqi Saudi 2

تم تفريغ الخزان بالكامل حتى تتمكن من تنظيفه
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تشمل أدوات التنظيف (فرشاة حمام خشنة - مكنسة يد طويلة - قطعة قماش جافة ونظيفة - سلك نحاسي سميك - دلو).
قم أولاً بتطبيق طريقة إزالة الطحالب من الخزان عن طريق إزالة أي رواسب في الخزان.
سواء كان الرواسب طينًا في قاع الخزان أو طحالب ، قم بتنظيفه باستخدام أداة تنظيف خشنة ، سواء كانت فرشاة أو سلك أو إسفنجة
يجب أن يستمر كشط الرواسب من قاع الحوض وأسفله حتى تشعر بزواله تمامًا.
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شركة تنظيف خزانات بجازان

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You can get music from Soundcloud by using Soundcloud to mp3

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petergrove219 • Edited

Sam Aaron suggests using music as a tool to enhance learning code by treating programming as a form of musical composition. By integrating code with rhythmic patterns and melodies, learners can better grasp complex programming concepts. Music, like that found on platforms such as Tubidy MP3, can help in creating auditory cues to assist with memory and structure, making the coding process more engaging and intuitive. This approach not only makes learning more fun but also reinforces patterns and logic, similar to how music helps memorize structures in compositions.