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Discussion on: [#CNC2022 "Code More" Cohort 1] Why do you want to code more?

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Collin Clifford

I want to code more to sharpen my skills but also to find a job within the industry.

I'll know I've reached my goal when I feel confident in my new position. Also, I expect to feel comfortable with the tools I've learned but willing to collect new ones.

I assume that I'll give myself the proper amount of time to work towards this goal. I assume that I'll make the best of my problem solving skills before resorting to relying on google. I assume that I'll complete this 5 week challenge.
My riskiest assumption is that I'll set aside the appropriate amount of time to work towards this goal outside of my current job and family obligations.
Three things I'm doing to help make this assumption less risky are:
Allot a specific period of the day when I get home from work to focus on my goal.
Keep a kanban board to help channel that focus.
Make an effort to fully understand problems before tackling them and loosing time working backwards.