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Dhanush N
Dhanush N

Posted on • Originally published at

Deno Server to generate random activity

A deno Server that makes API call to fetch activity from an open API. Each time the user refreshes the page a new activity will be generated.

From my opinion deno enables typescript and this denotes the future of javascript coding. It is no way a replacement of nodejs due to the usability and usage of nodejs in wide range applications. Deno is in the initial stages of development and higher level of permission constraints in comparison to nodejs.

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100 Days of Code

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Top comments (3)

jhone55 profile image
Jhone55 • Edited

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and Content Writing TypeScript, similar to Node.js, that allows you to execute JavaScript and TypeScript outside of a browser through idm crack download.

whygh49 profile image

Deno is a runtime for JavaScript and Content Writing TypeScript, similar to Node.js, that allows you to execute JavaScript and TypeScript outside of a browser.

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