CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: #CNC2021 "Code More" Mission 1 Submission Thread

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Mehta Dhruv

I want to code more because: I want to become golang developer & open source contributor.

I know I’ll have reached my β€œcode more” goal when: I code any website backend or system program in Golang ,also doing open source contribution in organization under CNCF.

My top three assumptions for reaching my goal are:
I have enough interest to reach my goal.
Imposter syndrome
timing issue & hurry up for getting developer job

Of these assumptions, my riskiest enough time

When I think about my riskiest assumption, three possible root causes are:
I am college student and my lot's of time spent on college work :(
whenever i see , I have to learn lot's of thing that feel me exhausted.

3 ways I might address these root causes are:
Even if I have college work ,I will give time to reach my goal.
Just try to keep learnig for great future & no matter how much time it will take and how much resources.

Of these, the biggest cause that’s worth tackling first is keep learnig no matter what.