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Edward Praveen
Edward Praveen

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Confused about choosing language for Mission 2 CNCC'21


Currently learning Python for Machine Learning (ML) development. I am interested in implementing ML in Web & Mobile apps. As python has inbuilt libraries for ML, I have started to learn. For Mission 2, CodeNewbie team has asked to select a language. Should I stick with python only or learn parallely another language (Swift/React-Native) for mobile development and how ML is implemented in it. Kindly suggest.

Oldest comments (5)

mccurcio profile image
Matt C

Someone told me once, "It is better to learn one language well, rather than learn "Hello World" in ten languages". lol

mccurcio profile image
Matt C

Hi E,
Do you use R/RStudio now?

edwardpraveen89 profile image
Edward Praveen

Hi Matt,

I tried my hands on R a year ago but since it's applications were lesser (as it cannot be used for production), I moved to Python. Planned to learn Julia which is replacement to R and could be used both in backend & frontend.

mccurcio profile image
Matt C

Although, I do know that R can and is used in some production environs, I think moving to Python and Julia are reasonable steps to take.
Good Luck

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edwardpraveen89 profile image
Edward Praveen • Edited

Thank you. Would love to do more fruitful conversations about Machine Learning/ Data Science further. Good luck.