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Faisal Saleem
Faisal Saleem

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How to Extract & Render GPX files From GoPro to Cesium

CesiumJS is an open-source JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and maps. CesiumJS is an easy-to-integrate and uses the library to create interactive web apps having cross-browser compatibility. This library is used by developers across industries, from aerospace to gaming to smart cities and smart 3d drone data inspection in GIS (Geographic Information System) Mapping systems.

Top comments (2)

roflano profile image

Personally, I find it most convenient to transfer all files from different cameras using an SD card and an adapter I bought almost a year ago. There are other options, but this is the way I like. It's simple, doesn't require any additional apps, software or anything else. You only need an adapter, which I bought over a year ago and still actively use it.

s0bacc profile image

I don't know what Cesium is, but where do you edit video with GoPro? If on a macbook, can you tell me how you managed to do it? I borrowed a friend's gopro to take some videos, and now I need to return the camera, but I can't extract the video.