CodeNewbie Community 🌱

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Location The Netherlands Joined Joined on  twitter website


Frontend Engineer at WeTransfer

Self-studying 101: advice from a self-taught dev

Self-studying 101: advice from a self-taught dev

Comments 4
3 min read

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3 affirmations for the next 365 days: on improving myself as a developer

3 affirmations for the next 365 days: on improving myself as a developer

Comments 4
3 min read
6 habits I’m building to level up as a developer

6 habits I’m building to level up as a developer

Comments 2
4 min read
Writing code | The ultimate junior developer survival guide

Writing code | The ultimate junior developer survival guide

Comments 2
3 min read
Getting started | The ultimate junior developer survival guide

Getting started | The ultimate junior developer survival guide

Comments 3
4 min read
20 VS Code shortcuts to speed up your flow ⚡️

20 VS Code shortcuts to speed up your flow ⚡️

2 min read
5 ways to create a junior developer-friendly culture 🚀

5 ways to create a junior developer-friendly culture 🚀

Comments 1
5 min read