CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Discussion on: [#CNC2022 "Start Coding" Cohort 1] What coding resources do you plan to use?

iamdavidjames profile image
Abaraoha David

I'll be leaning on:

  • YouTube Tutorials
  • DEV blogs
  • Freecode Camp forums
  • Twitter too! (I was surprised at the help one could get from the community there, so I'll be on there too)

I can't afford any paid courses for now. So I'll stick with the free resources I can lay my hands on.

Why I'm choosing these aside the free part... I have a limited budget and these are what I can afford.

I'll love to have and also be an accountablity partner, so if you'll be learning CSS, Javascript, REACT. You can reach out to me. ✌️