CodeNewbie Community 🌱

Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

Posted on • Originally published at

Codepen Shortcuts

I learned on some useful Codepen shortcuts so decided to share them.

Auto Complete Tags.

In the codepen HTML section if you type a tag and then TAB it auto completes the tag. Type div then hit the TAB key and it autocompletes with open and closing tags. Your cursor will be between the tags.

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If you want multiple copies of a tag use an asterisk '*', type your tag followed by an asterisk and the number of items you want. div*5 and TAB gives you five empty div tags. No spaces keep it as a single unit of text, then click TAB. It should show you a preview of the tags.

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To add a class use dot notation. and TAB will give you an div tag with the class name of post. Works with most tags. Type tag.classname and TAB. You can do this with other tags like, article or section. Just using div tags for sake of consistency.

<div class="post"></div>
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All together

Yes you can combine these for efficiency.*10 gives you 10 divs with the news class.

  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
  <div class="news"></div>
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CodePen is the best place to build, test, and discover front-end code. CodePen is a social development environment for front-end designers and developers. Build and deploy a website, show off your work, build test cases to learn and debug, and find inspiration.

That's all for this time. I hope you learned something.

I wrote this in response to @nickytonline What did you learn this week? thread. Follow it to see what other DEV members are learning.
Should I do a series on TIL, Time I Learned something?

-$JarvisScript git push
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Top comments (2)

joeglombek profile image
Joe Glombek

Codepen uses Emmet - so you can do even more complicated shortcuts like:
nav>ul>li*5>a.item-${Item $} 🀯

Handy cheat-sheet
Codepen blog

alexrom12 profile image

A few days ago I bought myself a new car, which I had been dreaming about for so long. It was the long-awaited Volvo XC60 . Firstly, it’s an indescribable feeling when you get behind the wheel and realize that the car is completely new. Secondly, based on how much technology is crammed into modern cars, it seems as if you are in some kind of capsule of the future.

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