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Discussion on: #CNC2021 "Code More" Mission 1 Submission Thread

kajsaeklof profile image

I want to code more because:
I want to get really really good at Vue and JavaScript. I would like to be able to contribute to open source projects.

I know I’ll have reached my β€œcode more” goal when:
I have completed 1 or more side projects outside work, I have re-built my portfolio sight using Vue instead of React. I am dedicating a few hours a week to my own coding projects outside of work.

My top three assumptions for reaching my goal are:

  • I have enough time outside work and other life events to code.
  • I have the energy and motivation to keep coding after work or at the weekend.
  • I don't let my impostor syndrome stop me from actually publishing the projects...

Of these assumptions, my riskiest is:
Energy and motivation to keep coding outside work or at the weekend.

When I think about my riskiest assumption, three possible root causes are:

  • I have a full time job as a Junior Front-End Developer and after 8 hours of coding I'm usually to tired to switch to coding on a side project in the evening.
  • At the weekend I try and spend as much time outside. I don't want to feel as if I'm working at the weekend.
  • I work from home so my desk set up is very much associated with work. Whenever I sit down there it feels as if I'm at work.

3 ways I might address these root causes are:

  • Write down a road map for the side projects with small manageable chunks of task so that it does't feel like an overwhelming amount of work to get it finished. If I can cross off only a few small tasks each week that will give me a sense of accomplishment and motivate me to keep going.
  • Dedicate a few hours each week, and make them the same time each week, to work on side projects to get into a rhythm. Having a dedicated time for coding will create accountability.
  • Keep my workplace clean and tidy to make it inviting even outside work.

Of these, the biggest cause that’s worth tackling first is:
Write down a road map for the side projects with small manageable chunks of task so that it does't feel like an overwhelming amount of work to get it finished. If I can cross of only a few small tasks each week that will give me a sense of accomplishment and motivate me to keep going.

nehamaity profile image

Hi Kajsa! I related to some of the obstacles you have. I also currently do coding for my regular job and have very little desire to code outside work. Keeping a road map is a great tip, I might have to try that for myself!