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Discussion on: S20:E6 - How to create successful mobile games (Bria Sullivan)

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Karian Cooper

Here are some tips on how to create successful mobile games:

Choose a popular genre. There are a lot of mobile games out there, so it's important to choose a genre that is popular and has a large audience.
Make your game unique. Even if you're choosing a popular genre, you need to make your game stand out from the competition. This could mean adding a new twist to the gameplay, or simply making your game more visually appealing. Click here for more info
Test your game thoroughly. Before you release your game to the public, make sure to test it thoroughly. This will help you identify any bugs or glitches that need to be fixed.
Market your game effectively. Once your game is finished, you need to market it effectively. This could mean creating a website for your game, or running ads on social media.