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Sienna Sofia
Sienna Sofia

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Tracking HCP Engagement Meetings is Important Marketing Strategy for Healthcare Brands

Every year pharmaceutical manufacturers spend billions of dollars on marketing their products, so understanding healthcare professional (HCP) customers are essential to ensure their customer engagement is timely, meaningful, and effective.

Congress meetings are key events in the year when HCPs come together from all over the world to learn about the latest trials, evaluate the latest data and network with their peers.

As well as healthcare experts and health organisations, leading pharmaceutical companies also come seeking to showcase their developments and engage customers.

5 Lessons from Tracking HCP Engagement at Pharma Congress Meetings

Every year pharmaceutical manufacturers spend billions of dollars on marketing their products, so understanding healthcare professional (HCP) customers are essential to ensure their customer engagement is timely, meaningful, and effective.

Congress meetings are key events in the year when HCPs come together from all over the world to learn about the latest trials, evaluate the latest data and network with their peers.

As well as healthcare experts and health organisations, leading pharmaceutical companies also come seeking to showcase their developments and engage customers.

When you track the engagement of HCPs at congress meetings you can:

  1. Understand their views and interests.
  2. Identify Digital Opinion Leaders
  3. Monitor and learn from their digital behaviours.
  4. Identify their information needs and concerns about prescribing new products.
  5. Gain competitive intelligence.

1. Understand their views and interests
Understand what topics and presentations HCPs were most engaged with and how they reacted to new treatments. Know what HCPs perceived to be current gaps in treatment.

2. Identify Digital Opinion Leaders
When considering the role of partners, look beyond the KOL list. Identifying and profiling the most influential and engaged HCPs online, Digital Opinion Leaders (DOLs), can give you insight into how HCPs are actively influencing the conversation within a therapy area and how you can build meaningful relationships with them to enrich your partnership.

You can interact with medical professionals and influencers who can help you increase HCP engagement for your healthcare business. Also, it becomes more crucial if they belong to the UK and your business is also from the UK. It helps you boost brand awareness and good sales growth.

3. Monitor and learn from their digital behaviours
Monitor HCP engagement and digital behaviours throughout the event to determine the best time to share online resources or release announcements.

Identifying what content forms are gaining HCP traction will help develop a diverse yet focused content stream that can engage HCP customers outside the four walls of the congress exhibition hall.

4. Identify their information needs and concerns about prescribing new products
Understand HCP information needs and concerns, including prescribing new products based on the impact of trial data. What questions are HCPs asking one another? Do they anticipate changing, or have they changed, their practice in response to the data?

5. Gain competitive intelligence
Congress is a great time to gather competitive intelligence. How are HCPs responding to competitor data and announcements?

Through this, you can understand HCP expectations towards the new products disrupting your market and identify successful competitor HCP engagement tactics to replicate yourself throughout the year.

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