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Margo McCabe
Margo McCabe

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20+ Best HarperDB Tutorials

HarperDB is quickly becoming the database of choice for developers and enterprise organizations alike. HarperDB is a data and application platform that is independent of hardware and network providers, completely agnostic of where it resides, and peer-to-peer. It can handle 20k writes/second and 120k reads/second for a single node, with global data replication in under 100ms. It’s easy to deploy in the cloud, on-prem, and/or out to the edge. By prioritizing performance and efficiency, HarperDB is reducing latency and complexity related to data management and app development.

Here’s an extensive list of HarperDB tutorials (in no particular order), which will be helpful for everyone from beginners to experienced HarperDB users.

1. How to use HarperDB Custom Functions to Build your Entire Backend, by Andrew Baisden

“Towards the end of 2021 HarperDB released version 3.1 which introduced a new feature for the platform. HarperDB grew from a distributed database to a distributed application development platform. Basically this means that you can now host your database and server API on the same platform with full CRUD functionality! It is a single solution that takes care of all of your backend requirements.”

Github repo

Tech Stack:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, TypeScript, React
  • Backend: Node.js, HarperDB

Learn how to:

  • Get started with HarperDB
  • Use HarperDB Custom Functions
  • Create the backend database and API on HarperDB
  • Create the frontend React Application

2. Using TensorFlowJS & HarperDB for Machine Learning, by Kevin Ashcraft

“This article will explain how to train and use a TensorFlowJS model to classify dog breeds with HarperDB Custom Functions, using the Stanford Dogs dataset and MobileNetV2 as a base for transfer learning.”

GitHub repo

Tech Stack: Node.js, TensorFlowJS, MobileNetV2

Learn how to:

  • Install training data and TensorFlowJS modules
  • Train and verify the model
  • Add and remove new training data
  • Train with GPU

3. Build a Full Stack Productivity Timer App with NextJS and HarperDB, By Danny Adams

“Building full stack applications can be tough. You have to think about frontend, APIs, databases, authentication - and how all of these things work together. So, in this article, I'll show you how to do all of those things using NextJS and HarperDB. We'll be building a full stack task timer app that includes JSON Web Token Authentication, fetching data using HarperDB's built-in API, and rendering the data with NextJS. We will also make use of NextJS's API.”

GitHub repo

Tech Stack: NextJS, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, React

Learn how to:

  • Set up HarperDB
  • Create a Layout Component to Wrap Every Page
  • Create Reusable Components
  • JSON Web Token
  • Create a useUser custom hook
  • Create the Add/Select Taskbar

4. Building a C# Blazor App with NoSQL and SQL Using HarperDB, by @towernter

“This tutorial describes how to use HarperDB Database and Blazor. For this tutorial, we are going to build a simple Blazor .Net Core app using HarperDB.”

Github repo

Tech Stack: C#/.NET, Blazor, Visual Studio

Learn how to: Create a basic C# Blazor app and how to use HarperDB SQL and NoSQL operations in C#.

5. How I used HarperDB Custom Functions and Recharts to create Dashboard, by @atapas

“The custom functions from HarperDB let you create APIs on the go. Learn how to create a dashboard using Recharts and HarperDB custom functions. Custom functions are a fantastic inclusion to the stack… you can create data store, APIs from the same place without worrying about deployment or managing them.”

Github Repo

Tech Stack: Recharts, React, JavaScript

Learn how to: create APIs with the help of HarperDB custom function and visualization using a Reactjs based library called Recharts.

6. Migrating a legacy application from MongoDB to HarperDB, by Lucas Santos

“Lots of people deal with legacy applications in a daily basis, and some of the changes they have to make include migrations from a tech stack to another. The objective is to perform the full migration without touching a lot of code.”

(Bonus: there’s also a video demo of this)

Github repo

Learn how to:

  • Set up the database
  • Migrate the code
  • Testing
  • Custom Functions

7. Building Microservices using Spring Boot + HarperDB and Deploying it on AWS, by Apoorv Tyagi

“Learn how to use Spring Boot and HarperDB to create a microservice, and look at how to deploy the complete application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. You will be building an Employee Leave Management System. This application will be responsible for tracking the detailed record of employees' leaves. You will also be implementing the functionality to add, edit, and cancel leaves.”

GitHub Repo

Tech Stack: Java, Spring Boot, AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Learn how to:

  • Set up HDB
  • Create a Spring Boot App
  • Design REST APIs
  • Test the Endpoints
  • Create a JAR File
  • Create an Elastic Beanstalk environment
  • Configure Spring Boot Through Environment Variables
  • Test the app in the cloud

8. VueJS App with HarperDB, by Milecia

“HarperDB gives you a way to interact with your database with a client-side app. The HTTP API lets you submit database queries in JSON format, which makes it easier for you to dynamically generate your queries.”

GitHub repo

Tech Stack: VueJS, JavaScript

Learn how to: Use HarperDB with Vue to create a simple dashboard a user could login to and interact with.

9. How To Use HarperDB Custom Functions With Your React App, by @tyaga001

“Last week, I got a chance to explore HarperDB - a fast, modern database that allows you to develop full-stack apps. Let's learn about HarperDB and how to build a React app using HarperDB Custom Functions!.”

GitHub repo

Tech Stack: React, JavaScript,

Learn how to: Build a to-do list React app using HarperDB Custom Functions.

10. CRUD REST API using Node.js, Express, HarperDB, Docker, by Francesco Ciulla

“This example is to show how simple it is to get started using HarperDB cloud instance, monitor the DB entries. The UI can also be used to add/remove/delete values.”

Github repo

Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, Docker

Learn how to: How to create a Dockerized Create, Read, Update, Delete Application, connected with a HarperDB Cloud instance.

11. Libshare - Curate & Share Your favorite JavaScript Libraries, by @adisreyaj

“Libshare helps you curate and share your favorite NPM libraries with the community. Showcase all the awesome libraries that you used in your side project and give them visibility. Made for the ♥ of open-source.”

Github repo

Tech stack: Angular, Node

Learn how to: Build an app using Angular as the ​​front-end framework and HarperDB Custom Functions for the entire back-end.

  • Set up HDB *Create APIs
  • Use env variables in HarperDB Custom Functions
  • Deploy CF
  • Set up the UI

12. Create a serverless book library app with HarperDB and Gatsbyjs, by Tapas Adhikary

“Recently, I had an opportunity to try out a modern, easy-to-use, fast database, HarperDB. As I learned how to set up and use it, I could further explore building a serverless app using it.”

GitHub Repo

Tech stack: Gatsby.js, React.js, Node.js

Learn how to: Create a serverless app using HarperDB & Gatsbyjs. In this step-by-step tutorial, we will learn to create a book library app and deploy.

13. Build A REST API With HarperDB and FastifyJS, by Catalin Pit

“This article will teach you how to use Node.js, Fastify and HarperDB to build a course management system. This application will help you track the courses you are doing and the courses you plan to do.”

GitHub repo

Tech stack: Node.js, Fastify

Learn how to: Use these Node.js, Fastify and HarperDB together to build a REST API

14. Build a Python App with HarperDB, by @bhavaniravi

“While you are busy solving business problems, services like HarperDB will take care of managing, scaling, replicating, and optimizing your databases. HarperDB is a cloud service that exposes your data via an API endpoint, making it language agnostic. It supports all major languages like Python, Java, NodeJS, etc.”

GitHub repo

Tech stack: Python, Flask

Learn how to: Build the backend of a Book Journal app w/ Python

15. Building a collection of Tech Blogs using ReactJS and HarperDB, by Bonnie

“I want to show you how to create a dynamic web page with a collection of awesome blogs of your choice. We will use React for the frontend and HarperDB as our database in this project. HarperDB is where all the dynamic data displayed on the front end will be stored.”

Github repo

Tech stack: HTML, CSS, Javascript, React.js

Learn how to: Use HarperDB’s Custom Functions to create API endpoints that will help us to make an API request to a standalone API server inside HarperDB. The API request will get the dynamic blogs data stored in HarperDB, and then React will display it on the frontend.

15. Creating your First CRUD Restful API with Node.JS and Hoppscotch, by @unclebigbay

“If you're here and want to know how to build APIs, then you're most welcome, because, in this article, I'll show you the very importance of an API and how to create your first CRUD restful API using Node.JS, Express.js, and Hoppscotch.”

Github repo

Tech stack:, Node.js, Express

Learn how to: Build a backend API for the popular Todo List project, and at the end of this article, you'll have a basic understanding of how API works and how to build your own APIs.

16. HarperDB and WebSockets, By Ethan Arrowood

“WebSocket is a computer communications protocol, providing full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. HarperDB clusters replicate data between instances using the bi-directional pub/sub model. Clients can subscribe to the same WebSocket channels HarperDB uses and access all of the updates of a given table.”

Github repo

Tech stack: WebSocket, Node.js, Docker

Learn how to: Create a Node.js project powered by WebSockets and HarperDB. The application will be a data entry CLI with an additional display script.

17. Query data from HarperDB with GraphQL using StepZen, by Roy Derks

“With HarperDB, you’ll get the best of both types of databases, as you can interact with the database via SQL and NoSQL through their REST API. They don’t (currently) support GraphQL out of the box, but you can use StepZen to get a GraphQL API that interacts with the REST API that HarperDB exposes.”

Github repo

Tech stack: Stepzen, GraphQL

Learn how to: Set up HarperDB and query its data not via REST but with GraphQL using StepZen. With just a few commands from the StepZen CLI you can transform the HarperDB REST API into GraphQL.

18. Build a Hacker News Clone using React and HarperDB, by @ubahthebuilder

“One of the most effective and fun ways to boost your web development skills is by cloning an existing web page or website. In this tutorial, we’ll be cloning the Hacker News home page, making use of React and HarperDB.”

Github repo

Tech stack: React, Node

Learn how to: Build a Hacker News Clone using React and HarperDB

19. INTRODUCING: The Anonymous Feedback Platform powered by the CHERN Stack, Unclebigbay

“The CHERN stack is a development tool that combines Clerk dev, HarperDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js.”

Frontend repo / Backend repo

Tech stack: React, Node, Netlify, Heroku, Clerk, Express, Flutterwave

Learn how to: Build the Anonymous Feedback Platform, to bridge the gap (confidence) between the person willing to give feedback and the receiver, using the CHERN stack.

20. Build a Note Keeping API with NodeJS, Express, and HarperDB, by Lucky Victory

“In the previous article, we built a quote generator api, but this time we are going to do something different, substantial, and much more interesting, we are going to build a Note Keeping API.”

Github Repo

Tech Stack: Node.js, Express, Javascript, VS Code

Learn how to:

  • Integrate API keys into an API
  • Validate the user-supplied API key
  • Generate a new API key for the user
  • Revoke and expire an API key
  • Authentication and Authorization, how to authorize a user to access only their content
  • Use middleware in ExpressJS

21. Building a Contact Manager with Python, Flask, and HarperDB, by Lordghostx

“By integrating HarperDB with Python and Flask, we built a contact manager with CRUD functionalities with minimal effort. We saw how to create cloud databases, manage them, and execute queries using HarperDB.”

Github repo

Tech stack: Python, Flask

Learn how to: Building a Contact Manager with Python, Flask, and HarperDB

22. Building An Inventory Tool Using Appsmith and HarperDB, by Curious Paul

“In this article, we have seen a brief introduction to HarperDB and the kind of flexibility it offers; We also got access to the HarperDB API for our cloud instance, which helped us interact with Appsmith later. Lastly, we worked with Appsmith to build a simple product management tool and connected it to our database API.”

(Bonus: there’s also a video demo of this)

Tech stack: Appsmith, HarperDB

Learn how to: Create an inventory tracking tool that helps small businesses sign up on a platform to view and manage products in their inventory using HarperDB and Appsmith.

23. Build a Dynamic REST API with Custom Functions, by Terra Roush

“Simply put, Custom Functions (CF) are serverless, highly customizable API endpoints that interact with our HarperDB Core operations. You could define a CF using SQL to return all dog data records where the owner’s name is “Geena Davis” and sort them by the dog’s name. You can create a CF that deletes a dog’s data record using a route parameter and NoSQL. You can also make a CF with validation that saves a dog’s record with required properties. Custom Functions are powered by Fastify and are extremely flexible.”

GitHub repo

Learn how to: Build a dynamic REST API with Custom Functions. “I’ll describe what I’ve built first, and then I’ll show how you can use it for your own devices. Instead of going one by one through the routes, I’ll highlight the POST for its simplicity and the PUT for its complexity.”

Bonus section:

  • If video tutorials are more your vibe, you can check out the livestreams and demos on our YouTube channel.

  • Check out all of the HarperDB-Hashnode Hackathon submissions for more project inspiration.

  • Looking for a full course instead of a tutorial? You’re in luck:

Full Stack Grow Udemy Course, by Safa Alai

“Building a scalable web app in the Cloud from the ground up using web components, Docker containers and HarperDB. This course then gives you everything you need to get going with a serious web app, that puts full control into your hands and enables you to build your app from a hobby up to a highly successful business.”

Learn how to: Program a full-stack web application and release it to the Cloud

Requirements: Basic Javascript, Basic HTML and CSS, Basic knowledge of SQL

Looking for something that you don’t see here? Have an idea for a HarperDB tutorial? Please let me know!

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