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Cover image for Hi! We’re Microsoft Azure and we’re proud Patron Sponsors of CodeLand 2022

Hi! We’re Microsoft Azure and we’re proud Patron Sponsors of CodeLand 2022

Nitya Narasimhan on June 16, 2022

Hey there, CodeLand attendees! The Microsoft Azure team is really excited to connect with you at this year’s event! Developers like yo...
electroholmes profile image

Hello! I'm an electronic engineer pursuing a master's degree in electronic and computer engineering. In recent years, I've been discovering and monitoring Microsoft's every event with their great products, and they never fail amaze me! I hope to be a part of Microsoft in the future :). I've been working on fields like IoT, AI, Machine Learning, Cybersecurity, and Image Processing.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Congratulations!! As a undergrad in Electronics and Communications Engineering myself, I'm super glad to see the subject thrive. Definitely check out the Book of News from Microsoft Build. There was a lot of good stuff there.

I actually made a visual summary

electroholmes profile image

Hello Mam. Thank you for replying! That;s amazing. I regularly read the Book of News and reading this page is my favourite time of the day :). I'll check out the visual summary shared via Twitter post now!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Hey Ninad! Thanks for stopping by... I will be CCing you on an email shortly. Also Vincent on the security team will be possibly be reaching out.

electroholmes profile image

Hello Dev Team. Thank you for replying! For sure. Will wait for the email :).

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msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

It's me, Scott Ninad!

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electroholmes profile image

Hello Sir!! Glad that you responded on my post :)

kitamreik profile image
Kit Fenrir Amreik

Hello! My name is Kit Fenrir Amreik (they/she), based in Boston and future Colorado transplant! I am a Global Restorative and Transformative Justice Practitioner & Instructor, as well as a Jr. Full Stack Web Developer, from the CodeSquad bootcamp this year! When I am not coding, I am an avid video gamer!

I would like to connect around further opportunities to further refine my abilities towards entry level work for Full Stack/Back End Development, as well as management/for advancement. Stay tuned and keep it touch! ❤️

I have been learning Python and it's been a blast thus far!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Woot! Congratulations on being both a developer and an instructor to help others learn!! There are some Python resources in the post, and more to come - but curious to know if your web development work is in Python or if you are also exploring JS/Node.js ?

kitamreik profile image
Kit Fenrir Amreik

I also will be exploring the Python course here as well :D

kitamreik profile image
Kit Fenrir Amreik

Hello Nitya! Thanks for responding! My web development work is based in JS/Node.js and I took a self-guided course on Codecademy on Python 3 recently! I hope to continue to explore Python more with the Python resources in the post. <3

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@kitamreik awesome! Love it and definitely follow the handle, they are great and can help on anything Python within Microsoft. What is your Discord? Add me and I can send you SWAG link: Scott Soine#6391

ornevirardi profile image
Orne Virardi


I am a front end web developer, and I am so excited to see Azure here on CodeLand!!
I am an accountant that made the change to tech three years ago and I would like to know if Microsoft offers positions for people who are starting their careers in tech.

My discord handle is: ornemoon#0624

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@ornevirardi we definitely do. Are you using JS for Front End Development or what is your language of choice? I will contact you on Discord too

ornevirardi profile image
Orne Virardi

That's great!
I mostly use Javascript. I also use React, Node, Webpack, TailwindCss, and I am learning Typescript.

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msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome! @nitya is a JS expert! Thanks again for stopping and talking on Discord :)

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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey @ornevirardi - yes absolutely! I am on the JavaScript Advocacy team (and you can find me @nitya on Twitter or Discord as well) - Microsoft absolutely does have tech positions for all levels of experience and backgrounds. What kind of role are you looking for? There are engineering and project management roles but also content creation and advocacy. PS. Learning Typescript is a good thing.

ddaypunk profile image
Andy Delso

Hello! Saw the "Begin your journey..." talk and really enjoyed the design of the slides! My previous job used Azure for builds, and I had always thought about learning it. However, my new role doesn't use it. As an automation engineer, do you think it is worth it even in a general sense?

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Yes absolutely - in fact I was re-watching Kelsey Hightower's keynote and one piece of advice really resonated which is to go deep in a topic to have long lasting career value. So as an automation engineer, you absolutely want to learn how concepts are APPLIED in environments like Azure so it is worth learning. And once you do, you will find that adapting or mapping those ideas to a different cloud (AWS, GCP) becomes easier so you can work in multi-cloud environments as well. Start with Azure Fundamentals, then look at the certification options for DevOps engineers etc.

ddaypunk profile image
Andy Delso

I was having issues finding a good link to that keynote as I have seen talks with him in the past I really enjoyed.

Thank you for the piece of advice, and I look forward to digging deeper into Azure in the future after my deep dive into Android :D

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@ddaypunk I think it is definitely worth it because it looks like you are a Java developer correct, being and Androdid Developer? Im not sure if you work much in the Spring Framework but Microsoft has all different workload options for Java and plug ins, check it out here:
Also if you are in the US ping me on Discord for SWAG if you are interested: Scott Soine#6391

ddaypunk profile image
Andy Delso

Correct, I have used Java for a number of years, and Kotlin more recently. I have dabbled with SpringBoot a bit for automation tools I have built. Thanks for the info and the invite on Discord! Just sent you a request, that should match my name here.

jolenekearse profile image
Jolene Kearse

Hi! Happy to see Azure here. I'm a JavaScript developer, well... learner, but I'm working on stepping things up! What stage do you recommend learning Azure? I still have some blank spots in my skills, like I always fail when I try to use an API.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

@jolenekearse I'm on the JS Advocacy team at Microsoft so this is music to my ears!

My roadmap is

  • Learn JS (language)
  • Learn Node.js (server-side programming)
  • Learn Azure Fundamentals (core concepts and services)

The last step can be done in parallell with the first since it is not JS-centric - but once you learn the fundamentals then definitely start applying them by trying out Azure samples using the JS SDK. What kinds of things do you want to build? What APIs are you trying to use? Leave me a comment and I can try to share better resources

jolenekearse profile image
Jolene Kearse

Thank you for the direction! There are so many technologies to learn and I don't always know which direction to go in my learning.
I can't remember all the APIs I've tried to use. I just try when one comes up in my search for a problem I'm trying to solve.
I'm trying to get to a hireable state for my first tech position. But I originally got into programming to build educational resources and game apps for young students. I was an English teacher .

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@jolenekearse is your blank spots more back end? Do you use Node.js for that? If so I can get you some resources in regards to that... Thanks for stopping by the booth, hope all is well in China :)

gigiboop profile image
gigi-boop • Edited

Great infographic! As a super newbie, I honestly didn't quite understand cloud, but now it's really starting to click for me. I used to transcribe business meetings and calls, and they would use terms like SaaS, so I would look them up and learn the definition and everything, but I didn't get the bigger picture or the why until now. I appreciate your beginner's resources. I will check them out more a little later when I have more time!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Yes absolutely!! I find that having a visual metaphor for new concepts can really help make related concepts easier to understand. I hope to publish more on Azure Fundamentals in this community if there is enough interest so do let me know.

gigiboop profile image

I'm interested!

itzdjin profile image

Hi Nitya and MS team! Thanks for the information and the visual guide. I've already printed it out and put it on the wall. Before starting my journey I had a friend recommend me the Azure fundamentals course as well! Looking forward to going through it while going through my Bootcamp!

Question for Nitya; What has been your favorite part throughout your journey learning about computer science and programming?

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hi @itzdjin - catching up this morning on all comments and sorry for the delay responding.

I have been in research, engineering, startups and advocacy. And I have to say that my favorite part of the CS journey has been in understanding HOW THINGS WORK under the hood. Sometimes that means research where you dive into papers and books and try to learn concepts from experts - and sometimes that means development where you learn by just trying things out, breaking them, trying to fix them, and then making that connection in your head on why things work again.

But the reason I got into advocacy was that the absolute favorite part of my journey has been in SHARING what I learn and hopefully inspiring others to follow the same path. With every passing day we have better tools and AI to automate the mundane parts of computer science, so we can focus on building new and interesting things. Community energizes me most - learning from others and sharing my own experiences in turn.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@nitya can you please share about your journey? @Itz I'm a Developer marketer that started out as a Microsoft vendor about 8 years ago. I was in Marketing Ops but knew developer was a key motion that was hard to understand for none technical side. I decided to work on Cloud Skills Challenge internally at Microsoft and that is where I got exposure 2 years ago to this team. I made connections and ultimately looped for a different role but they needed me to take over all 3rd party developer events in the US and did, and have been doing it every since learning from all the communities. This is one of the best I have come across.. I also do events like JavaOne, PyCon, KubeCon, Kafka Summit, DevNexus, PyCascades, etc.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Done! Also check out this (old) series of essays I wrote about my journey in tech

nodeicode profile image
Lohit Aryan

LARY#1809 Typescript dev here! been wanting to lean elixir for a while the phoenix framework is nothing less than amazing in terms of multi thread performance. Biggest framework I'm into right now is Remix, its changing the web dev game quite a bit.
quick question: does azure support serverless or edge deployments? would definitely love to try it!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hiya @nodeicode Woot!! Love TypeScript!!

Re: Serverless and Edge. YES. YES WE DO.
And coincidentally there will be a ton of content and resources around edge AI and developing for edge devices during July (you might want to follow the account) - and we are running a similar series in September that focuses on Serverless

Here are a couple of links to help for now:
Serverless on Azure:
Azure IoT Edge:

nodeicode profile image
Lohit Aryan

Thank you!!
The serverless on azure definitely stands out! hope you guys market the hell outta this!

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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Keep an eye on this series - there may be something interesting to add to that in September :-)

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@nodeicode definitely do let me get you some Docs info on those and feel free to reach out to me if you have more questions... I will also ping you on Discord!

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

Hello, dotnet dev here! Always good to see MS at events. Discord keoni#0898 👋🏻

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Great to meet you - have you worked with .NET MAUI or Blazor yet? Curious to know what kinds of projects you focus on

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

Hello Nitya! I recall "meeting" you before at a previous Codeland. I got an Azure fanny pack and some stickers last we spoke. I've yet to work with MAUI, but I look forward to it soon. I've mostly worked with building web applications using Razor pages and other tools.

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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

OMG!! The last Codeland that I was at (in person) was in 2019 I think -- we ran an IoT workshop and had hardware and a really nice tutorial to work through right? That is amazing - nice to meet you again. If you plan on doing anything with MAUI let me know. I have colleagues who are working on resources like the MAUI Community Toolkit that may come in handy!!

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ckn00b profile image
Christian New

Yes, I believe that was the one. I'll take a look at that link and connect again if something comes up. My old team finished an Android project about a month before MAUI was production ready, but I'm sure the opportunity will come up again.

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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Sure thing - and if you are still doing Android work, do check out the Dual-Screen design and SDK support for the Surface Duo. It is a good exercise in adapting your mobile experiences to take into account the slew of new foldable form factors for phones.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Hey Christian! Welcome, do you have any specific questions about dotnet? How long have you been a developer? I will ping you via the Discord now too

ckn00b profile image
Christian New

I don't have any specific questions for now, thanks. I've been a dev for a little over a year and a half. I've used dotnet the whole time, mostly because of the teams I've been on, but I prefer it outside of work projects too.

hugodelgado18 profile image


First thank you for all the resources I was already considering getting my azure certification but wasnt sure if it was the right decision, but after looking at the information included here i'm definitely getting certified.
I completed my Software engineer bootcamp program and have continued to learn becoming skills in React Rails / MERN Full-stack development. I'm always looking to grow and was hoping to talk to someone at microsoft about any available roles for some with my background and skills.

Thank you!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

All the best with certification!! It is the right step at this time of your career! Don't forget to check out the to see what kinds of opportunities are here and if something specific catches your attention, let us know!

hugodelgado18 profile image

Thank you so much!
I'm definitely at a stage where I feel I've learned a lot technically however I still very lost when it comes to the actual action of securing a career in this field or just navigating how best to prepare for applying to these positions.
Would it be possible to have a chat with you when you're available?

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks @hugodelgado18 ! Means a lot to us at Microsoft that you are putting in time to get certified. We are forever grateful. I added you on Discord and if you are based in the US I can send you some SWAG :)

hellotjphan profile image
TJ Phan

Hello hello! I am so happy to be here at my first CodeLand event. The talks and the people and community are just nothing short of wonderful. Thank you Microsoft team for making this even possible.

I had made the career pivot to become a full stack developer at the start of this year, and taking my optician roots that's all about upfront client helping and nurturing wellness. I am searching to make connections for opportunities to make an impact with coding. What does the opportunity scene looks like at Microsoft for early career individuals? What does growth look like there?
My discord is Glitjch - TJ #9308 🇨🇦🥰

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Thanks for stopping by - and congratulations on making the pivot to full stack development. There are a number of teams at Microsoft that work with JavaScript, TypeScript and all aspects of end-to-end web application development - from Microsoft Edge Developers (browser) to Playwright (testing) and PWA Builder (progressive web apps). There are also folks working on JavaScript SDKs (e.g., for Azure) and content (e.g., Microsoft Docs/Learn, samples etc.) - so there are many ways to engage.

Some suggestions are:
Look at open career positions and the teams they are on - then look at the GitHub Microsoft or Azure organization to see the kinds of projects the teams work on, and the people involved. See if that resonates - if you are looking to get hands-on experience, try contributing to an Open Source project. Reach out and talk to folks on the team to get a better understanding of the opportunities and then apply if it feels like a good fit.

I will say that this is a big company with many different roles, projects and teams and there should be entry-level positions available.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Hey @hellotjphan I tried to add you to my Discord but I couldn't. If you are located in the US add me and I will get you the info Scott Soine#6391

hellotjphan profile image
TJ Phan

I am just your friendly Canadian neighbour, but if you would still have me please let me know! Either way thanks for reaching out and I'll be sure to check out some posted resources here for some serious level ups.

aigarspl profile image
Aigars Pluģis • Edited

Nice to see MS Azure as one of sponsors on CodeLand '22!

Hobbyist Web dev (currently PHP and Python) and sysadmin. Even tho I'm outside US (yeah, EU, Latvia), I am connected with your services on my daily use.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome @aigarspl tell the GH team to give you some SWAG to Latvia, glad you are using Azure for your Microsoft Developer needs... any questions you have? Really appreciate it!

aigarspl profile image
Aigars Pluģis

Definitely will do that! 😉🤗

deesclouds profile image
Dee {he | they}

This is amazing! I'm learning Javascript and excited to learn more about how to navigate using Azure. I need to create a DEV account and join the DEV community there. My discord handle is: deescloud#3919

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Please do!! Follow for all things Azure - and you can find me at as well. We have a number of #30Days series planned to jumpstart learning so stay tuned

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thank you Dee! excited to hear about your journey! And please keep in touch I will ping you on Discord now!

madelene profile image
Madelene Campos

Hello! Python (mostly backend) dev, here. Just wanted to say hello

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hello hello!! We love Python devs - do let us know if you have an interest in skilling up or connecting with any specific area of Python development! And thanks for stopping by

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@madelene Hello! Guido now works at Microsoft and we have a great group of Python back end Devs at Microsoft, thanks for stopping by. Feel free to add me to your Discord if you are in the US and I can send you the link to get some SWAG Discord: Scott Soine#6391

madelene profile image
Madelene Campos

Hey Scott. Guido does, indeed, work there - love that. Just sent you the request - I'm a sucker for swag!

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msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks and glad we connected! let us know if you need anything else.... also if you are on Twitter I would follow this handle:
Love this team and they are connected with the overall Python motions at Microsoft!

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madelene profile image
Madelene Campos

Excellent! Just followed. After 7 years of using Sublime, I've JUST switched over to playing with VSCode. I like it, so far!

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msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome! yeah that team is dedicated to the Python VS Code team and Luciana Abud is one of my favorite people at Microsoft and se is the Program Manager on that team!

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madelene profile image
Madelene Campos

Very cool!

bobbybates profile image
Bobby Bates

Hey, Nitya and Microsoft Dev Team! Thanks for sponsoring CodeLand 🙌

I'm Bobby, current web dev student @ Flatiron School. Love this work and community!

Remote, distributed, asynchronous work excites me so much. What aspects of these do your teams continue to implement after the Return To Office?

(Discord: bobby_bates#5793)

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hi Bobby - As my colleague mentioned, I am on the JavaScript Advocacy team. My entire team is remote and distributed (we have folks in Europe, Brazil, and Australia) and we have a lot of best practices (documentation online, alteranting times for meetings etc) to support remote workers. I hardly remember what it is like to work in an office now :-)

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@bobbybates my team focuses on Azure Developer Marketing and @nitya more on the JS Developer side, you are likely thinking of the Teams and MS Graph teams that do this work on a daily basis...

20jasper profile image
Jacob Asper

Hi Microsoft employee, how are you doing today?

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Going great! How are you Jacob! Thanks for stopping by! Where are you located?

20jasper profile image
Jacob Asper

I'm in Ohio, what about you?

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nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

I'm in New York but @msusdevmicrosoft and Cloud Advocacy team members are distributed all over the US (and the world).

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msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team • Edited

@20jasper I'm in Bellevue WA, whats your Discord? I will send you the link to get a free t-shirt and pack of stickers! Or add me to your Discord Scott Soine#6391

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20jasper profile image
Jacob Asper

It's 20jasper#9593

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20jasper profile image
Jacob Asper

Thank you so much!

fizzybuzzybeezy profile image

Thanks for your sponsorship of CodeLand 2022 conference! I attended last year and it was such a positive experience, I couldn't wait to attend again this year. I've been using your MS Quick & Visual development tools since the 90s, but have yet to venture into Azure technologies, although I look forward to doing so. Thanks too for making things so approachable for new and experienced developers to learn all of these fascinating and new technologies!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Woot!! Check out the Azure publication on to get a sense of the various kinds of services, tools and use cases you can unlock with Azure. And definitely reach out if you have questions - you can find me at and I hope to also start posting more right here on CodeNewbie!

klove2016 profile image

Hi Microsoft!

Thanks for the video resources above! I'm in a bootcamp learning JavaScript right now and the video resources you provided are a great supplemental learning tool.

Looking forward to go through all the videos!
Discord : klove2016#6196

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey KJ!! Awesome - we actually have a lot more resources than what we shared about - look out for a post from me tomorrow or this weekend (after I finish my lightning talk) with more resources to help you skill up! What kind of apps are you interested in building?

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome! Let @nitya and I know if you have any JS questions. I will also ping you on Discord!

mnechromancer profile image
Jamison Ducey

Just got the AWS Cloud Practitioner certification, I'll be working on the Azure and AI Fundamentals certificates next!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Don't forget to check out the #30DaysToLearnIt offers

I think there may be options that can get you a discount on those exams if you meet the requirements!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome love hear that! Thanks for taking the time and effort it puts in to do this! Are you on Discord? I can send you some additional info that could help prep..

mnechromancer profile image
Jamison Ducey

For sure! JamisonWhoCodes#4306. Extra resources are always appreciated.

trobbierob profile image

Nitya's talk looks exciting. I love sketchnotes, but my hands don't work like that, lol.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

If you ever want to give it a try check out - a few friends of mine and I got together and made a series of free 2 hour workshops that help anyone get started with visual note-taking and other visual storytelling ideas.

Look forward to seeing you there - and hope to excite you about building in the cloud!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@nitya has amazing sketches and she puts them together faster than some of those sketches artists in the park do. Her lighting talk tomorrow will be great, she is great and fun to work with!

solakunmio profile image
Solakunmi Oyedele

Currently studying and preparing for my Azure AI fundamentals exam.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Good luck!!! This is exciting!

solakunmio profile image
Solakunmi Oyedele

@nitya Thank you!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@solakunmio awesome news! when are you taking the exam?

solakunmio profile image
Solakunmi Oyedele

On the 27th of this month! It's been really interesting exploring the Azure ML Designer platform. I'm really interested in Computer Vision now lol.

essbee808 profile image

Hi Nitya! I'm a student at Flatiron School studying full-stack web development and currently planning out my Rails API + JavaScript project. Thank you for providing the additional JavaScript resources above.

Sheena B#2683

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hi Sheena!!

Are you based in New York? I have been to Flatiron many times (hosted a conference there once) and am super excited to see you pursuing a career in this field. Let me know how I can help. Definitely check out the PWA and SWA resources to see if you can skill up on cloud integrations for your web applications!

sofishar profile image

Do you want to find competent specialists? Read the reviews Based on these reviews, I turned to them for help and got a truly professional result. They make studying easy.

licekpetr314 profile image
missbabelfish profile image
Leah Godfrey

Hi! I'm doing freelance web development while I continue my learning journey. I currently work with Js and the MERN stack. I would love to hear about any opportunities you have available for newer devs. Discord name is missbabelfish#8383. Thank you for being here!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey @missbabelfish - that is awesome!! I am a self-taught web developer (my graduate studies were in Java and my early career was in mobile and embedded systems) - and I absolutely feel that web development has a lot of career potential. There are many kinds of roles (from junior engineering to project management) that can leverage technical skills. Have you looked at the Careers site - if you find a role you want to learn more about LMK

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Many of you have asked about Microsoft support for early-in-career devs or career changers and folks entering tech from non-traditional backgrounds. Wanted to share this resource: We ran an event some years ago called Start-Dev-Change focused on exactly this audience

There are a number of diverse positions open at Microsoft and I would definitely reach out to people who are in related teams or currently in a role you want to apply for, to ask about requirements and expectations

mariasilva_dev profile image
Maria Silva

Thank you for that informative talk Nitya! I will definitely be doing a #30DaysOfPWA challenge to keep building my skills.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Woot!! Thanks Maria - adding your name and goal to my list so I can make you a custom sketchnote to keep you motivated. What is your Discord handle? Will ping you to share that later when done

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Please do and also check out the #30DaysOfSWA at

And keep me posted on how this goes

gpendleton profile image
Greg Pendleton

Hi MS, ex-Windows admin turned JavaScript developer here.

discord: merlin (Greg)#4929

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

JavaScript FTW!!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome @Greg! Lots of JS resources for Azure as you can see above. I will ping you on Discord above as well.

gungz profile image
Agung Sidharta So

Love the sketch notes @nitya

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

THANK YOU so much - check out for more visual guides

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

She will probably reply too, but thank you! we appreciate it!

ssbbgm profile image
Sherreka S. Burton

I'm excited to hear the information tomorrow. I'm currently considering getting an Azure certification and would love to know more!

My discord name is: rekadarnb#8511

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Don't forget to check out the certifications site

And check out the #30DaysToLearnIt initiative - you might be able to get some discounts on certifications if you complete some of those challenges

ssbbgm profile image
Sherreka S. Burton

Oh, that's awesome. Thank you for the information!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@ssbbgm Thanks! Are you looking at Azure Fundamentals certification? Or which one? I will ping you on Discord as well!

ssbbgm profile image
Sherreka S. Burton

Hi, Scott! Yes, the fundamentals certification. I sent you a request on Discord.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@ssbbgm I can't add you as a friend so please add me Scott Soine#6391

nakedgrammer profile image
Sea Dub

Hi, I'm learning python using VS Code on Win10. Loving VS Code compared to setting up other IDE's on a windows machine. I think I'm most interested in back end development, at least right now. My discord handle is: Chris Withey#1713

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Are you a Python-only dev or also interested in JS? I had some links in an earlier comment thread that showed how to use Flask/Django based backends for Python - and my team does a lot with using Node.js and related backend frameworks and serverless architectures to complement front-end applications.

Let me know what you're thinking of and happy to help add more resources

ifeoomaaa profile image
ify beke

I'm a newbie in data analysis and I also us MsExcel👋🏽👋🏽so excited to be here.

IFFY 3028

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome! Welcome! Are you building your own queries and macros? Excel is a powerful tool, Im guessing you are looking in to Python too?

ifeoomaaa profile image
ify beke

My next in line us SQL but definitely yea going to look into phyton

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@ifeoomaaa looks like you need to add me as a friend in Discord Scott Soine#6391

ifeoomaaa profile image
ify beke

Okay sir

eshelton98 profile image
Erik Shelton

Hey MS, what would you say is most important to have on a resume for someone without professional experience yet, but who self-taught for a while and attended a bootcamp?

Discord is Starfox64_0 #6082

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey Erik!

I know a number of fantastic technologists who got into tech from bootcamps and/or were self-taught developers. The most important thing you can have on a resume is projects that reflect your ability to translate things you learned into real-world prototypes. The second most important thing is to have reviews from people who may have used what you built, to showcase the fact that you know how to work with end users to deliver useful experiences.

One thing I would recommend is to have a blog and a github repo where the latter provides the code and the former documents your learning journey. I can tell you that it helps people discover you when it comes to jobs - and it gives prospective employers a chance to see how you tackle challenges and think through them.

codewithbuikem profile image
Kalu Victor

Hello Ms what would you advice someone to learn if the plan to work in any of your offices outside the U.S

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey Kalu - do you know what kind of role you might be interested in? We have a huge number of product groups and technologies. But I would recommend you start by doing the Azure Fundamentals Course (there is a certification option as well)

You can also check out a visual guide for this over here:

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@codewithbuikem what city/country are you looking to work in? Are you coming out of university or already a Dev? The best way is to reach out to local geo recruiters. Happy to point you in the right direction and make an intro...

mr_romo profile image

My first ever conference just excited to learn as much as I can!
Discord: Mr_Romo#4214

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Happy you are here @chris! I will connect with you on Discord too shortly!

yuridevat profile image
𝕁𝕦𝕝𝕚𝕒 👩🏻‍💻

Thanks for sharing these awesome learning material with us!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are more than welcome @julia! We really appreciate the kind words and also thank you for considering Microsoft for your Dev needs!

moonshoeskelly profile image

Great resources above. I am adding the video series to my learning list. The Java series looks great and the Javascript will be a good refresher. Thanks for sponsoring!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Great! Glad they are helpful @moonshoeskelly ! if you have any questions or specific need something clarified, happy to bring in the JS or Java Cloud Advocate team

tsbrun profile image
Anya Brun

Thank you for making this amazing event possible!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are welcome @tsbrun ! Its our pleasure and its amazing to be part of this great community. Its incredible the sharing and uplifting going on.

kithminiii profile image

Hola MS🙃​👋​

Discord: Bagya#6613

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Hey @kithminiii I will ping you on Discord shortly :)

amandamcmullin profile image
Amanda McMullin

Nitya - I truly enjoyed your talk earlier today! I loved the tips and suggestions...especially the inclusion of pay it forward. I can't wait to learn more about the cloud.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

WOOT!! Always here to help and hope to start posting more content on #CodeNewbies as well - you can also find some of my previous series at - and do let me know how I can help

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thank you @amandamcmullin ! I know she appreciates it and also please ping me on Discord for some SWAG Scott Soine#6391

imcarolyn profile image

Hello Microsoft! Thank you for helping sponsor this event! <3
Also cool to find about some more learning resources that I didn't know!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Great @imcarolyn really appreciate it! and thank you for stopping by and checking out our developer resources!

asbourlotos profile image
Alexander Bourlotos • Edited

Awesome to see so many great sponsors for this event! Supporting future generations of tech is a great way to inspire ongoing innovation!

Discord - alexbourlotos#7116

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks @Alexander! Really appreciate it. We are honored and humbled to be a sponsor. We love and are committed to this community as well as Github!

abmdev profile image
Auroiah Morgan

Working on my AZ-900 and 904. Looking to use the Cog services for a side project as well on MAUI!

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

YESSS!! Don't forget to try the #30DaysToLearnit challenge and get a potential discount on certifications. Look forward to learning more about your journey

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome! Maui is great like we were talking about and should have more updates coming during Novembers .NET conference please join us then. Have a great weekend!

hatricia profile image

I really appreciate that I always see Microsoft sponsoring and supporting smaller events and communities!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks @hatricia that means a lot. We are honored to be part of this community and plan on being for years to some! You all are inspiring

ceciliapina profile image

Thank you for all the great resources on this page! Newbie developer here and I'm trying to absorb all the knowledge I can.
Discord: CecePB#8157

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hey there @ceciliapina - welcome welcome!! What are you interested in learning this year? Happy to share more relevant resources if that helps

kevmoens profile image
Kevin Moens

Love Microsoft products
I've been learning Maui Blazor and included a Web Head.
Discord: Kevelop#3006

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@Kevin that is awesome! Maui is something Im learning too. Jeff Fritz is a great person to listen to YouTube and Twitch as well as the .NET Rocks podcast and .NET Core podcast I suggest too

jimmy706 profile image
Dung Dang

Hello Microsoft, thank you for sponsor this conference, really excited to what I can learn from here !

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks for coming by @jimmy706 ! Let us know if you have any questions, etc.... We appreciate you.

missgin123 profile image
BJ Brewer

Good morning MS! Thank you for the supporting the community and providing the good resources on web development.

Discord: BJ#1451

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thanks BJ, really appreciate that and I will connect with you on Discord!

goblinbrooke profile image

Thank you for the video resources!!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are welcome @goblinbrooke happy to help! and let us know if you have any feedback, thanks for considering Microsoft for your Developer needs

lurns profile image

Hi MS! Thanks for the resources and for sponsoring this awesome event.

Discord: lurns#3008

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are welcome @lurns I will ping you on Discord :)

ceciliapina profile image

Nitya's lightning talk was everything. She dropped so many great gems in there that I'm going to definitely commit to!

kainh profile image
Kai Neuhold-Huber

Hi! Thanks for having a presence at CodeLand! I'm just about to start work on a personal project that uses a React frontend and Flask API and MySQL database backend and am really curious how I could use Azure to deploy something like this. I've only used Amazon EC2 for projects like this in the past.

My Discord handle is: Kain H#2761 in case there are still invites going out :)

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Hi @kainh -- wonderful to hear from you!! So you have two options that I can see:

The Azure App Service will let you deploy a full-stack application (front-end, back-end APIs and integration to databases) as a managed solution.

  • See this quickstart for Flask and there is a tab for a Django solution as well.
  • You can then look at a solution like this to connect your Azure App Service backend to a MySQL server.
  • This blog post walks you step-by-step through the process of building a React single-page app and hosting it on App Service.

These three give you three parts of the solution but you will need to knit them together.

A different approach is to use a SERVERLESS architecture for the back-end and a STATIC WEB APP for the front-end. In that case:

  • Check out to learn about Static Web Apps (and see some React examples)
  • Learn how SWA has built-in support for a managed serverless API (written in JavaScript)
  • But can also support your bringing your own functions - e.g., writing using Flask with Azure Functions

Hope that helps!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@nitya do you mind answering his technical question? I have thoughts but not the end to end process, have worked with MySQL but not React as much... And Kai, yes I will send you a link for the US SWAG! Thanks for stopping by!

necolanch profile image
Nicholas Cruz

As I am a Web Design & Development major, my best friend is a Computer Science major and has been learning Java heavily. I will definitely be utilizing the series of videos here to learn Java. My education has been based all around JavaScript development which I love and is extremely versatile. However, I know different tools do different things and I would like to see what can be done with Java. I have a freelance graphic design background and I am aiming to be specialize as front end developer but I want to be well-rounded.

ddan4ik24 profile image
ddan4ik24 • Edited

I opened my own business selling children's things, but in order for my business to take off, I turned to the company and there is a service called it infrastructure management and they helped me a lot in my business, I'm so glad that I turned to them, plus they helped me set up Windows for all my employees. They did everything professionally and efficiently, I am so glad that I turned to them, because they did everything quickly and, most importantly, efficiently. But thanks to this company, my sales have increased.

jawaragordon profile image
Jawara Gordon • Edited

Hi, thanks for being here!

I'm a brand-new full-stack developer 1/2 way through my first BootCamp. We've spent the most amount of time on JavaScript so far. Is this the best path forward with Azure or would Python be a better way to go?

discord: JawaraGordon#1801

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

HEy @jawaragordon . Think of Azure as a one stop shop for any language, whether it be JavaScript, Java, C#, Python, etc. There are 3 Public cloud providers. Azure, GCP and AWS. I think Azure is the best with scale, latency and throughput :)... So I would invest your time in learning Azure so you can run JS functions and Python for your Data science needs. Also follow this twitter handle for great Python and VS code stuff:

ifo profile image
Ifo Ikede • Edited

HI Microsoft Developers and Azure team, I am a CS grad based in Canada, self-taught Javascript and I am looking for a internship or full-time entry level software engineering position in Canada or remote from Canada.. I am looking forward to Nitya's talk tomorrow and learning more about Azure.

Btw.. Those videos you shared above are awesome, thanks for sharing them. and my discord handle is ifo#6980

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Nice to meet with you @ifo ! Thanks for the kind words, our Java and JS team had try to make getting starter easier so glad you liked the videos! Thanks for stopping by!

alyssha profile image

Thank you so much for providing so many great resources for us Newbies!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are welcome @alyssha ! Let us know if you need anything else and if you are in the US and want SWAG send me a ping on Discord: Scott Soine#6391

soccerzortz profile image
Lara Krefski

Thanks for doing this talk! I've been using AWS and want to learn more about Azure's capabilities.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome @soccerzortz that is what we like to hear :). I would start with AZ 900:

And then let us know what next steps you want to take, are you more back end or front end? Also ping me on Discord for some SWAg if you are in the US! Scott Soine#6391

brianschnee profile image
Brian Schnee

Hi, my name is Brian! I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer looking to break into the field. I'm happy to see Microsoft is supporting CodeLand this year.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

You are welcome @brian and we are honored to be part of this awesome community. If you are based in the US add me on Discord and I will give you a link to some SWAG: Scott Soine#6391

brianschnee profile image
Brian Schnee

That would be awesome, I'll add you right now! Thank you, Scott!

myusuf_mugalu profile image

Hey nitya thanks for the great talk you shared with us. it was really insightful.

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Thank you ! I know @nitya and I appreciate it a lot.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Yes - appreciate this greatly - and thank you for taking time to come hang out on this channel and watch the talks. Let me know how i can help you continue your learning journey!

brendondsouza profile image
Brendon D'Souza

Hi there! I’m currently learning react and trying to get my first job in tech! I’m based in NC USA! Excited to be here!!

Discord brendon_goa2usa#5535

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Yess!!! You can't go wrong with learning React - let me know how it goes and if you need more resources or have questions. Excited for your journey and good luck with the first career step!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

Awesome we are excited you are here too! :).. Sent you a Discord invite so I can send you the SWAG info. Thanks for considering Microsoft for your Developer needs!

ddan4ik24 profile image

Every day I work with office and I needed to install this program. I found a company and there is a service - this is office 365 managed service provider and the main thing is that they installed everything for me quickly and it wasn’t that expensive. I'm so glad, because I installed Office myself, there was always a trial version and the program did not fully work. Now I can work with documents with ease.

juadeb1 profile image

knowing what to build isnʻt the problem, knowing how to start is the issue. when i ask developers with more experience they always say "just start", "start anywhere". and i just get more confused.

nitya profile image
Nitya Narasimhan

Been there - and I think everyone will agree that tech is sometimes daunting because it is so large in scope.
I also loved Kelsey's keynote - and agree with his perspective on (a) going deep in one area at least and (b) llooking at past, present and future needs when figuring out learning paths.

Keep things simple.

  1. Pick a popular language and learn it (JS, Python, Java or .NET are all good candidates)
  2. As you learn, write about it. Could be as simple as notes in the GitHub repo - but have a GitHub profile
  3. Now pick an application framework that uses the language and learn to build something useful
  4. Then look for open-source projects, clone a local copy and dive into how those are built

Most important of all - KEEP GOING! I takes 10 years to build a career and every step makes the next one easier. We are here to cheer you on and help level you up when you need it. Good luck!

msusdevmicrosoft profile image
Microsoft Developer Team

@juadeb1 I know its not easy, but what @nitya is saying do a small project, or contribute to one. Im guessing the CodeNewbie has plenty join. Once you get your first project or commit done you build confidence and also figure out if that type of developing is for me or not. If its not pivot and do another language or framework... please stay in touch with your journey and feel free to ask any questions to us anytime!