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Importance of SQL in Data Science

In the latest 25 Data Scientist job postings at Facebook each job advertisement included skills that required SQL. For the year 2020, on LinkedIn most popular 10 Startups that hail from India list, seven companies have SQL as a most commonly used skills. This language, which is not often praised, is among the most sought-after skills needed not only in India as well as across the globe. So long as there's "data" in the field of data science SQL and Data Science with Python is sure to remain an important component of it. Although it is more than four years in the past, SQL remains relevant in the 21st century because of numerous advantages it provides over its competitors.
Before diving deep into resources, take a look at what the most important subjects are. Be sure to include the following topics, but don't limit yourself only to these.

  1. Group By Clause: This SQL GROUP BY clause is utilized in conjunction with the SELECT command to organize identical records into categories. The majority of us use aggregation tools that use this clause. We as well as the Having Clause to apply conditions in conjunction with the group by clause .

  2. Aggregation Functions A function called an aggregate is a function that performs a calculation based on a set of numbers and returns one value. Ex. count, avg, min, max, etc.

  3. String Functions and Operation: In order to execute different operations like Convert string to uppercase or match a regular expression or match a regular expression, etc.

Ex. 1. Locate the IDs of students of students whose name begins with the letter the letter 'A'. 2. Find your pin number from the column for address.

  1. Date and Time operation: When the value has only one date, it's easy to manage however if the time component is also included, things become a little more complex. Therefore, make sure that you take your time and practice.

  2. Output control statements: To obtain results according to the requirements. Example ordering by clause and limit function to obtain restricted rows.

  3. Different Operators: There are mainly three kinds of operators: Arithmetic, Logical and comparison operators.

  4. Joins: This is an most crucial topics and can be utilized to join multiple tables to produce the output you want. Be sure to understand all notions like the kinds of joins. Primary keys composite key, foreign key, etc.

  5. Nested queries: A subquery/nested is used to retrieve data when it is to be utilized as part of the primary query to be used as a condition to further limit the data to be returned.

(Nested queries are able to return an single (single) number or row and joins provide rows. If you are able to perform the same operation in two ways, then the most efficient method is to utilize Joins. )

  1. Views and indexing: Indexes can be defined as special search tables that databases search engines is able to use to speed retrieving data. In simple terms the index of databases is similar to the book's index.

10.Temporary Tables: It is an amazing feature that lets you save the intermediate result making use of the same selection, update joining, and update capabilities.

  1. Windowing Functions: Window functions work on an array of rows and return one number for every row in the query. They simplify queries that look at parts (windows) of the data set.

  2. Query Optimizations When you are working with large amounts of data and large amounts of data, it is crucial to choose the most effective method to execute a SQL statement to get access to requested data.

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